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Google Tracking URL Validator


The Google Tracking URL Validator is a handy tool designed for validating URLs within files or text strings to ensure they are properly tracked with Google Analytics. It accepts two inputs:

  1. File Input: Users can input files with extensions such as .HTML, .HTM, .MD, .MARKDOWN, or .TXT. The tool scans these files to extract URLs and verifies whether they are tagged correctly with Google Analytics parameters.

  2. Text Input: Alternatively, users can input a text string containing URLs. The tool parses the text to identify URLs and checks their tracking parameters against Google Analytics standards.


  • URL Parsing: The tool extracts URLs from the provided files or text input, disregarding any other content.
  • Validation: It then examines each URL to ensure it contains the necessary tracking parameters prescribed by Google Analytics, such as UTM tags for campaign, source, medium, etc.
  • Error Reporting: If any URLs are found to be missing required tracking parameters, the tool generates a report highlighting these discrepancies for the user's attention.
  • Output: Users receive a comprehensive report detailing the status of each URL, indicating whether it is properly tracked or requires adjustment.


  • Efficiency: Saves time by automating the process of checking URL tracking parameters, especially when dealing with numerous URLs across multiple files or within extensive text content.
  • Accuracy: Helps maintain data integrity by ensuring all URLs are correctly tagged, thereby facilitating accurate tracking and analysis within Google Analytics.
  • Ease of Use: Offers a user-friendly interface with simple inputs, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.

Use Cases:

  • Content Managers: Ensuring all outbound links within web content are properly tracked for campaign analysis.
  • Digital Marketers: Validating tracking parameters for links included in email campaigns or social media posts.
  • Website Administrators: Verifying tracking tags on various pages of a website to optimize data collection and analysis.


The Google Tracking URL Validator streamlines the process of confirming proper URL tracking, enhancing the reliability and effectiveness of data-driven marketing efforts utilizing Google Analytics.