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this project is the starting point for a flutter project. It contains the basic setup for a flutter project. It also contains the setup for localization and internationalization. It also contains the setup for firebase.


  • Localization and Internationalization
  • Firebase authentication
  • services
  • freezed
  • bloc state management


Getting Started

run the following command to get the dependencies

flutter pub get

run the following command to generate the freezed files

flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

runt the project

flutter run

Folder Structure

Here is the folder structure I have been using in this project

|- src/
    |- constants/
    |- features/
    |- l10n/
    |- services/
    |- utilites/
|- firebase_options.dart    
|- main.dart

Now, lets dive into the lib folder which has the main code for the application.

1- constants - All the application level constants are defined in this directory with-in their respective files. This directory contains the constants for `theme`, `dimentions`, `api endpoints`, `preferences` and `strings`.

2- features - Contains the main business logic for the application. Each feature has it's own directory. All the ui, blocs, models and repositories are self contained in their respective feature directories.

3- l10n - Contains the files for localization and internationalization.

4- services - Contains the files for services like api, storage, etc.

5- utilities - Contains the utilities/common functions for the application.

6- firebase_options.dart - Contains the firebase options for the application.

7- main.dart - This is the starting point of the application. All the application level configurations are defined in this file i.e, theme, routes, title, orientation etc.


If you find any bug or want to add a new feature, feel free to contribute.


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