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Angular SPA to find locations with wifi nearby

Uses the MEAN stack: backend REST API built with Mongo, Express.js and Node.js. Frontend built with Angular 8. Also uses font-awesome 5.8.1 and Bootstrap 4.3.1

Project Structure


REST API for CRUD operations on MongoDB

  • used as a backend for Angular Frontend, to interface with mongo
  • to test the api, use Postman
  • URL parameters are accessed using req.params
  • query strings are accessed via req.query
  • posted form data accessed via req.body
  • user password is saved in database after hashing with cryptographically secure salt and pbkdf2
  • uses JWTs to authenticate users between API and SPA using passport's LocalStrategy. This provides a stateless authentication solution.
    • 'new review' endpoints are limited to authenticated users only
  • this api is run using the root app.js file


Angular Front end SPA

  • Angular applications are built with components, which are compiled into modules
  • A component handles a specific piece of functionality, and a module contains one or more components working together
  • a service makes the api requests
  • geolocation service uses native HTML5 geolocation function to get lat/lng of user
  • uses Angular's router to navigate between pages
  • JWT is saved in localStorage so it is maintained across page reloads
  • A custom service (history) is used to keep track of visited pages. This way, user can return to a page after login
  • see the README for more

app_server (deprecated)

  • Backend Express Server API
  • built with MVC architecture
  • when you go to my website, the controller in /app_server makes requests to /app_api
  • CORS headers enabled on API routes so Angular front-end can make requests
  • this component was deprecated once angular was introduced.

.Env variables needed

  • googleAPIKey in app_public\src\app\location-details\location-details.component.ts

In production mode only:

  • MONGODB_URI=<insert here>
  • NODE_ENV=production


  • stateless api
  • used to interface controller code with mongo
  • APIs should always return HTTP status codes
  • returning json data is most friendly
  • CRUD


  • to retreive data
  • return the data requested


  • a request to create a resource (document)
  • should return the saved data as a confirmation


  • for updating existing documents/subdocuments in db
  • should return saved data as a confirmation
  • these still get data from form posted to them, like POST



Testing heroku env locally:

heroku local

This runs it on localhost:5000

Deploying changes to live heroku in web

git push heroku master
# or
git push -f heroku HEAD:master # to push a local branch to another master

To open url for app

heroku open

Mongoose Notes

if we make changes to the instance returned by a mongoose query, and then save it, Mongoose will update the original document in the database

JWT Notes

A JWT is of the form Header.Payload.Signature

Parts of a JWT

  • Header: An encoded JSON object containing the type and the hashing algorithm used
  • Payload: encoded JSON object containing the data, the real body of the token
  • Signature: an encrypted hash of the header and payload, using a secret that only the originating server knows

Some good sources of info: