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OOP Lab Assignments with Java code files are stored in this repository

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23232_Abhishek Jadhav

Class: SE10

Batch: F10

My OOP Lab Assignments with Java code files are stored in this repository.



2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.


AssignmentNo. 1 > ->

 Assignment 1 : Classes and Objects
      Design a class ‘Complex ‘with data members for real and imaginary part. Provide default and Parameterized constructors. Write a program to perform arithmetic operations 
      of two complex numbers. Design a class ‘Complex ‘with data members for real and imaginary part. Provide default and Parameterized constructors. Write a program to 
      perform arithmetic operations of two complex numbers. ->

 Assignment 2 Prerequisite
       Write a program to implement static polymorphism 
       define a class calculator with multiple addition function as below 
       1. add for two int numbers
       2. add for three int numbers
       3. add for 3 float numbers
       4. add for two double number
       5. add for two char numbers
       Also test following
       overload the main for testing


AssignmentNo. 2 >

On branch named - Assignment_2-Inheritance ->

 Assignment no 2 : Study of Ineheritance
      Design and develop inheritance for a given case study, identify objects and relationships and implement inheritance wherever applicable. Employee class hasEmp_name, Emp_id,
      Address, Mail_id, and Mobile_noas members. Inherit the classes: Programmer, Team Lead, Assistant Project Manager and Project Manager from employee class. Add Basic Pay (BP)
      as the member of all the inherited classes with 97% of BP as DA, 10 % of BP as HRA, 12% of BP as PF, 0.1% of BP for staff club fund. Generate pay slips for the employees
      with their gross and net salary.


AssignmentNo. 3 >

On branch named - Assignment_3-Polymorphism ->

      Identify commonalities and differences between Publication, Book and Magazine classes. Title, Price, Copies are common instance variables and saleCopy is common method. The
      differences are, Bookclass has author and orderCopies(). Magazine Class has methods orderQty, Current issue, receiveissue().Write a program to find how many copies of the
      given books are ordered and display total sale of publication.


AssignmentNo. 4 >

On branch named - Assignment_4-Dynamic_Binding ->

      Dynamic Binding
      Design a base class shape with two double type values and member functions to input the data and compute_area() for calculating area of shape. Derive two classes:
      triangle and rectangle. Make compute_area() as abstract function and redefine this function in the derived class to suit their requirements. Write a program that
      accepts dimensions of triangle/rectangle and display calculated area. Implement dynamic binding for given case study.


AssignmentNo. 5 >

On branch named - Assignment_5-Interface ->

      Design and develop a context for given case study and implement an interface for Vehicles Consider the example of vehicles like bicycle, car and bike. All Vehicles
      have common functionalities such as Gear Change, Speed up and apply breaks. Make an interface and put all these common functionalities. Bicycle, Bike, Car classes
      should be implemented for all these functionalities in their own class in their own way.


AssignmentNo. 6 >

On branch named - Assignment_6-Exception_Handling ->

      Exception Handling
      Implement a program to handle Arithmetic exception, Array Index Out Of Bounds.  The user enters two numbers Num1 and Num2. The division of Num1 and Num2 is displayed.
      If Num1 and Num2 were not integers, the program would throw a Number Format Exception. If Num2 were zero, the program would throw an Arithmetic Exception and Display
      the exception.


AssignmentNo. 7 >

On branch named - Assignment_7-Template ->

      Implement a generic program using any collection class to count the number of elements in a collection that have a specific property such as even numbers, odd number,
      prime number and palindromes.


AssignmentNo. 8 >

On branch named - Assignment_8-File_Handling ->

      File Handling
      Implement a program for maintaining a database of student records using Files. Student has Student_id, name, Roll_no, Class, marks and address. Display the data for
      few students.
      1. Create Database
      2. Display Database
      3. Delete Record
      4. Update Record
      5. Search Record


AssignmentNo. 9 >

On branch named - Assignment_9-Factory_Design_Pattern ->

      Factory Design Pattern
      Design and implement Factory design pattern for the given context. Consider Car building process, which requires many steps from allocating accessories to final
      makeup. These steps should be written as methods and should be called while creating an instance of a specific car type. Hatchback, Sedan, SUV could be the subclasses
      of Car class. Car class and its subclasses, CarFactory and TestFactoryPattern should be implemented.


AssignmentNo. 10 >

On branch named - Assignment_10-Strategy_Design_Pattern ->

      Strategy Design Pattern
      Implement and apply Strategy Design pattern for simple Shopping Cart where three payment strategies are used such as Credit Card, PayPal, Bit Coin. Create an interface
      for strategy pattern and give concrete implementation for payment.


AssignmentNo. 11 >

On branch named - Assignment_11-Case_Study ->

      Case Study
      Using concepts of Object-Oriented programming develop solutions for anyone application
      1) Banking system having following operations:
      1. Create an account
      2. Deposit money
      3. Withdraw money
      4. Honor daily withdrawal limit
      5. Check the balance
      6. Display Account information.