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Releases: AcChosen/VR-Stage-Lighting-GI-ShaderPack

VRSL GI Clustered Rendering Update (v2.5.5)

21 May 21:05
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This is the third release of the VRSL GI (Shader Pack) add-on.

This version is only compatible with VRSL GI Core v1.2+, which you can get here!

  • Updated all shaders to be built around z3y's clustered rendering system.
  • Updated Amplify Shader function and example shader for VRSLGI.
  • Improved general editor usage and pipeline.

This release contains the shader module for Poiyomi Pro for VRSL GI. This release also contains a number of other updates to prepare for the Audiolink update of VRSL GI.


  • This unitypackage contains a modified version of Unity's standard shader that has support for VRSL DMX (13CH, 5CH, & 1CH), Area Lit, LTCGI, and the new VRSL GI lighting system. This pack also has a version of Mochie's Standard system with the same system support. This shader pack is required for worlds that support the VRSL GI system. Avatar shaders will need to use the included VRSLGI-Functions.cginc file to support the VRSL GI lighting system. All files in this unity package are released under the MIT license.


  • Unity 2022.3.6+



Poiyomi Module & Amplify Update (v1.2.3)

05 Oct 18:46
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This is the second release of the VRSL GI (Shader Pack) add-on.

  • Added installable Poiyomi module for VRSLGI.
  • Added an Amplify Shader function and example shader for VRSLGI.
  • Added Support for "Directional" GI points.
  • Added fix for Unity 2022 Editor
  • Added projector color fix.
  • Added toggle to increase or reduce projector brightness.

This release contains the shader module for Poiyomi Pro for VRSL GI. This release also contains a number of other updates to prepare for the Audiolink update of VRSL GI.


  • This unitypackage contains a modified version of Unity's standard shader that has support for VRSL DMX (13CH, 5CH, & 1CH), Area Lit, LTCGI, and the new VRSL GI lighting system. This shader pack is required for worlds that support the VRSL GI system. Avatar shaders will need to use the included VRSLGI-Functions.cginc file to support the VRSL GI lighting system. All files in this unity package are released under the MIT license.


  • Unity 2019.4f OR Unity 2022.3.6



Initial Release (v1.0)

09 Aug 12:18
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This is the initial release of the VRSL GI (Shader Pack) add-on.


  • This unitypackage contains a modified version of Unity's standard shader that has support for VRSL DMX (13CH, 5CH, & 1CH), Area Lit, LTCGI, and the new VRSL GI lighting system. This shader pack is required for worlds that support the VRSL GI system. Avatar shaders will need to use the included VRSLGI-Functions.cginc file to support the VRSL GI lighting system. All files in this unity package are released under the MIT license.


  • Unity 2019.4f


-Tutorial and Documentation to be released soon!