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VRSL GI Licensing

AcChosen edited this page Sep 8, 2023 · 6 revisions

VRSL GI Licensing Information

This page describes information about how the License key system works for the VRSL GI package on Gumroad.

License terms as described by the Gumroad page:

This product uses license keys for authentication. Keys are represented in two categories: 
A Personal License Key and a Commercial License Key. 

A Personal License Key permits the use of this product in personal, 
non-profitable projects/events only. 
It does not permit the use of this product in projects/events that generate revenue. 

Personal License Keys can only be registered to one PC at a time. 

Commercial License Keys permit the use of this product in both personal projects/events and 
projects/events that generate revenue (Without reselling the assets contained within the product itself.). 

Commercial License Keys can be registered to two PCs at a time.

Use of this product with these keys requires a connection to the internet for verification. 
If the connection is lost, a short grace period since the last successful verification is granted, 
after which the product will need to be re-verified.

License Keys can be freely unregistered from a PC after 2 days have passed since the initial date of registration. 
They can then be re-registered to a new PC if needed, after which the 2-day cooldown will be reset. 

Unregistration can be done from the application itself, but you may contact 
AcChosen (on discord @ or email at if 
something goes wrong and you need assistance.

All keys are one-time purchases and have no expiration date. You may purchase as many keys as you need.

The Authentication Window

This is the authentication window. When you first register your key, it will look something like this. Keys are generated from Gumroad and are available to you at checkout. A copy of your key is also sent to your email. Be sure to keep up with your key as it is difficult to resend a new one!

Depending on your license type, you may have 1 or 2 PC seats available. These seats are transferable through the un-registration system, but there is a minimum cooldown time of 2 days after initial registration.

The Un-Registration system.

The Un-Registration system allows you to unbind a license from a PC, allowing you to rebind it to a new one. You may unbind your license after the 2-day cooldown has passed. After unbinding your license, the PC that was previously bound will remain bound until it phones home for verification or you restart Unity, whichever happens first.

To unbind your license, you must provide your license key, the email you put in to receive your license key, your order number, and choose the type of license you have.

License type is divided into: PL = Personal License CL #1 = Commercial License #1 CL #2 = Commercial License #2

Your order number can be retrieved by going to the email where you received your license key and clicking "Generate Invoice". This will take you to the invoice page. Enter your appropriate information and then click generate. A pdf will appear in your downloads with your invoice. On your invoice will be the order number. Put that number in along with your email and license key to successfully unbind your license.

If you are experiencing trouble with the licensing system, please contact AcChosen on Discord or email them at!