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Accelbyte MatchMaking v2 CLI Tool


The MatchMaking v2 CLI Tool (mmtoolcli) was built to help with testing a developer's MatchMaking v2 Services by going through specific flows specified by the user.


The following are required to be created before this tool will function properly:

  • namespace
  • matchpool
  • session template
  • OATUH Client
  • mmtoolconfig.yaml


This will be the location of where the match pool and users will be used from.


The MatchFunction (and other settings) here will be used during each flow

session template

This is the template that will be used when interacting with party specified flows

OAUTH Client

This is the OAUTH Client that will be used throughout the entire tool. You will need:

  1. Client ID and Secret

  2. The following permissions are needed on the Client

  ADMIN:NAMESPACE:*:USER:*	Create, Read, Update, Delete




  NAMESPACE:*:SESSION:GAME	Create, Read, Update, Delete

  ADMIN:NAMESPACE:*:USER:*:STATITEM	   Create, Read, Update, Delete




By default, this tool looks for a mmtoolconfig.yaml in your $HOME directory. You can also load your own config.

mmtoolcli -h 
  -c, --config string   config file (default is $HOME/mmtoolconfig.yaml)

Below is an example config which you can fill in your own values.

polltime: 3
canceltime: 60

#accelbyte sdk vars
abbaseurl: <>

#user creation params
userprefix: userPrefix #this will end up looking like userPrefix<generatedUUID> -- userPrefix203948230hasf8
useremaildomain: #no @ required
userdob: "1985-01-12" #DoB must be over 21 years of age
usercountry: US

  - name: mmr
    minvalue: 40
    maxvalue: 60

This config file is meant to drive the functionality that is consistently needed throughout the tool and provide easier repeatability and organization, as well as store environment variables.


You can add MatchTicketAttributes by using a JSON file from the command line. An example of this would look like:

  "LOCALE": "us-NA",
  "VERSION": ""

An example of the command to load these attributes would look like:

mmtool-cli tickets create solo -n <name of namespace> -m <matchpool name> -u 2 -a <./path/to/attributes/file.json>

Example Usages

Generate Solo User Tickets

If you wish to create Match Tickets that have only 1 User on them, the solo command is what you'll want to use. Below are examples of ways to use this command.


  -m, --matchpool string   The MatchPool you want to run MatchMaking V2 on: REQUIRED
  -n, --namespace string   The Namespace where your MatchPool is located: REQUIRE


  -f, --file string              Load users from a yaml file
  -a, --ticketattributes string  Load match ticket attributes from a JSON file
  --deleteusers bool         Should the the Users used be deleted? Default TRUE
  --leavesession bool        Should users leave the sessions they joined? Default TRUE
  --deletetickets bool       Should the match tickets created be deleted? Default TRUE

New Users:

mmtool-cli tickets create solo -n <namespace> -m <matchpool> -u <INT number of users>

From File:

mmtool-cli tickets create solo -n <name of namespace> -m <matchpool name> -f <./path/to/users/file.yaml>

Generate Party User Tickets

If you wish to create Match Tickets in which Users are considered in a Party, the party command is what you'll want to use. Below are examples of ways to use this command.


  -f, --file string              Load users from a yaml file
  -a, --ticketattributes string  Load match ticket attributes from a JSON file
  -m, --matchpool string         The MatchPool you want to run MatchMaking V2 on: REQUIRED
  -n, --namespace string         The Namespace where your MatchPool is located: REQUIRED
  -p, --partysize int            Amount of Users you want to create: REQUIRED
  -s, --sessiontemplate string   The Session Template used for creating a Party: REQUIRED


  --deleteusers bool         Should the the Users used be deleted? Default TRUE
  --leavesession bool        Should users leave the sessions they joined? Default TRUE
  --deletetickets bool       Should the match tickets created be deleted? Default TRUE
  --gamesession bool         Should the match tickets created using game session instead of party session? Default FALSE

New Users

mmtool-cli tickets create party -m <matchpool name> -n <namespace name> -p <INT size of party> -s <session template name> -u <INT users to create>

From File:

mmtool-cli tickets create party -m <matchpool name> -n <namespace name> -p <INT size of party> -s <session template name> -f ./path/to/users/file.yaml>

Create Users And Write to a File

If you do not have pre-made users, you can use this command to create users and write them to a file to be read from.

  -f, --filename string    The name of the file that will be created, or overriden: REQUIRED
  -n, --namespace string   The Namespace where your MatchPool is located: REQUIRED
  -u, --users int          Amount of Users you want to create: REQUIRED

mmtool-cli users create -n <namespace name> -u <INT users to create> -f <name of the file>