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Hackday #10

Donato Rotunno edited this page Feb 5, 2019 · 5 revisions

31.01.2019, at the Liip office in Fribourg

Table of Contents


  • Sylvia Winkelmann + Reto Inniger, Access4All
  • Annika de Maeyer, Schweizerischer Gehörlosenbund
  • Andreas Moesch + René Stalder, Nothing AG
  • Donato Rotunno, Liip
  • Nicolas Ricklin, Liip
  • Graciela Schütz + Oriol + Thomas, Unic
  • Jürgen Rudiger, Hinderling Volkart

Communication and fundraising

  • Sylvia, Léa and Esther are in charge of the communication channels. The distribute the different channels amongst themselves. Esther will keep handling the Twitter account.

Relationship to

  • A4A is working on a new website. There the ADG should be linked more closely, or even embedded into it.
  • It’s still open what kind of shape this would actually take but it’s important that the information is easily accessible from the A4A website, not this completely isolated separate container.
  • It’s also important that in the future the ADG can be maintained more easily.
  • It should become a platform where people can exchange knowledge.


  • To Do: Add Nothing’s logo to the page
  • Sylvia is working on the packages for sponsors and contributors: for that she needs to show that there is committed involvement, a core team, organisational structures, etc.
  • Donato has created a table where people can share when they talk about the ADG in public.
  • Companies like Postfinance, SBB, etc. would be interested to know which partners are involved in the ADG.

Highlighting contributors

  • At the moment we show primarily company logos but there might also be individual contributors. How do we feature them?
  • Idea: list contributors on the page by mentioning
  • Idea: don’t list companies at all but the people who contribute
  • From a fundraising perspective we probably can’t just get rid of the company logos. Public appearance is an incentive for partners.
  • To Do: come up with a proposal for how to display contributors —>

Communication channels

  • For interested people who e.g. approach one of us after a talk and want to get involved or just in touch. Do we give them access to Slack? add as contributor to Github?
    • Generally we can hand out Slack access very freely
    • Becoming a developer on the Github repo if people are interested in contributing code/content.


  • There was an interest to include the ADG in “Submissions-Ausschreibungen” for gov/admin projects but in Switzerland this didn’t work because the Guide is not written in a national language. Making it multi-lingual would require sponsoring.
  • It would be good to review the content by a native English-speaker.

Update Anika, SGB-FSS

  • Is currently looking for some more technical knowledge about how to create subtitle files and get them into a video.
  • Accessibility of the ADG for people who are hard of hearing or deaf. Would require manual testing from people with lived experience.
  • Language: “hearing-impaired” is not the right term. Use “hard of hearing” or “deaf” instead. This is important.

Reto leaving

  • Reto will be leaving the Access for All by the End of February 2019.
  • There is no obvious successor for him (yet). It might be necessary to define a new distribution of responsibility.

Rights management and contribution

  • At the moment there are 3 accounts [redacted] with Admin access. They can do everything. Everybody else has developer access.
  • For Access for All it’s important that nobody can accidentally break the website or commit something that has not gone through Review. At the same time we obviously can’t lock everything down because it is open-source and relies on people’s initiative.
  • Also in that context, documenting the “rules” for contribution is important. We have a section on the ADG as well as the Github repo where parts of the contribution process are explained (Contribution page on the ADG a Contribution page on GitHub).
  • To Do: Organise hand-over meeting between Reto, Andreas Uebelbacher, Sylvia and Donato for the knowledge about the setup, access rights, etc.

Roadmap and release planning

  • We plan release 1.1 for end of March. We won’t be able to close down all the planned task. But we will still ship the release with a smaller scope.
  • For communication it’s important that a release offers something “tangible” that can be emphasised.
  • Idea: We could make more releases, also smaller ones for bug fixes but at the same time make sure that at least once a quarter there are major additions.
  • Idea: We could have continuous releases/deployments and just report quarterly.
  • We probably do need some planning.
    • A4A needs to test. For them it’s easier to have a release date so that they can plan their resources
    • Deadlines can be helpful for motivation Reviews should happen early enough so that we can react to all the corrections. It’s a double-review schedule


Discussion topics

  • Reto is leaving and knowledge transfer
  • Intro to Github for Sylvia and Annika
  • Have the content reviewed by a native English speaker
  • About release cycle (possibly every 3 month)
  • Notify Andreas or Sylvia about new finished tickets
  • Keep the current roadmap
  • How to display contributors on the ADG pages?
