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Hiring @ Accredify Engineering

For current open positions, please see here


Hello! If you are reading this, then we are likely in the process of discussing with you for a technical role at Accredify

In order to advance you, we would like to know more about the way you solve problems.This repository contains a set of short, time boxed(1-3 hrs) coding exercises that you would use to demonstrate your skills and abilities


We know that there are mixed opinions about take-home test.Our motivation to use this method of assessment are due to the following factors.

  • 🌎 - We are a fully distributed team that has members working across multiple timezones. Async communication and work allows for collaboration.
  • 🛠 - It matches our workflow. Our engineers would usually start on a self-directed exploration of a problem and then iterate between period of work,edits and reviews before making a pull request which would be approved by their peers. This take-home exercise mimics that workflow.
  • ⏳ - It allows you to work at you own pace. We structure most of these exercises to take up a maximum of up to 3 hours. You are free to break this 3 hours into multiple session as you wish.


  1. Choose an exercise directory that matches your primary domain
  2. Read in the matching directory. Be sure to read the instruction carefully and ask any clarifying instructions via GH issues
  3. Clone the boilerplate repo in the matching directory into your own private repository. Add Accredify hiring team members as private collaborators.
  4. Typically, you should not take more than 3 hours per exercise, however, you should not feel constrained by time and rush through your solution with a surface level implementation.
  5. Make sure you satisfy the acceptance criteria in Use the specified tools provided in the boilerplate. Ensure that your work meets the definition of done.
  6. Be sure to include the following in your submission
    1. with the following
      1. Screenshots of the finished product.
      2. How to test/run/demo
    2. a with any future feature or refactoring that you would do given you have more time
    3. Test coverage as mentioned in definition of done
    4. Lightweight technical documentation
      1. Diagrams
      2. Design Considerations
    5. When you have completed, do reach out to your hiring manager through email with repo link included.
    6. Wait for our call :D