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Demo repo for a poetry managed (TPM) touch designer project / component

This is a (windows only) proof of concept of a Touch Package Manager (TPM) and is intended to support the RFE for a fully functional native PackageManager for TouchDesigner. See

Key features:

  • proper python packages/dependency management for your TD project: Any client / coworker opening a .toe project 6 months from now would get the exact same package versions specified when delivering the project.

  • versioned components/tox with dependency management using a production ready backend like pypi (or any custom pypiserver). No need to reinvert the wheel ;)

In this example TPM manages pysubprocess-op, an utility COMP that allows you to easily start multiple python subprocesses. Internally TPM uses the same pysubprocess COMP to control poetry and git.


poetry via powershell

(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | python -

How to run

Run pysubprocess_op.bat

Explanation of the batch file contents

In pysubprocess_op.bat the current dir and the .venv\Lib\site-packages folders are added to PYTHONPATH and then it ensures the virtual env will be created inside our project folder by using the line:
CALL poetry config true

Finally install --no-dev will look into pyproject.toml for any additional repos besides pypi

name = "testpypi"
url = ""

and install all dependencies

importlib-metadata = "^1.7.0"
python = "^3.7"
touch-package-manager = "^0.4.0"

into projectFolder\.venv\Lib\site-packages.

Then it starts TouchDesigner and prints out a few additional infos to the console (like if there are any outdated modules)

Now is a good time to inspect projectFolder\.venv (should be excluded from version control). It holds all the packages needed for your project and at any point in time you can recreate the exact same setup, without interfering with your other projects dependencies.

Tox packages

Note that the contents of projectFolder\.venv now not just includes all "regular" python packages but also "tox packages".
See a tox package example in: .venv\Lib\site-packages\touch_package_manager.
In this case the tox package has all the python/extension code externalized.

Relative imports and references:

In TD, have a look at the /demo/TPM COMP externaltox parameter (on it's Common page). It now just import tox files like this: __import__("touch_package_manager").Tox.

The .Tox attribute is defined in the package's Just like the .Folder attribute which is used in /demo/TPM/icon to load the icon via __import__("touch_package_manager").Folder+"/icon.svg"

Using touch package manager

In TD, on the /demo/TPM COMP Dependencies tab, under "Dependency" make sure its says "sphinx_rtd_theme" and press the Add button. This will install the new dependencies in a background thread (This can take a while)

When the textport says thread <<< TPM.add it's finished and you can look into pyproject.toml which will now also list sphinx-rtd-theme as a dependency.

Using a dependency

Lets quickly use our new sphinx dependency and build the pySubprocess COMP documentation. Run the "buildDocs" DAT and once the build process returns the callback should open the documentation in your default browser.


If this would be a real project you would now just commit your new pyproject.toml to Git and the next time anyone starts your project, poetry will make sure you have all dependencies installed.

If you are creating a tox package, then you would need to create and upload those to pypi or any custom python package repository:

How to publish a tox package to pypi:

TO get started you need to initially setup your credentials (one time). In TD go to the /demo/TPM > Setup page and under Alt.Repos select "testpypi" from the dropdown menu for the Name and URL parameters. Then fill in your testpypi user name (not email) and password. Then click the Add pulse button.

As you can't publish to my pypi repo, the quickst way to get started is to rename the pysubprocess-op. On the /demo/TPM > Project folder change the Name parameter to pysubprocess-op-yourName and then click Init / Update button. And in the filesystem, change pysubprocess_op folder to pysubprocess_op_yourName (not sure why one needs to be - and one a _ )

Now switch to the Release page and click on Bump Version and then on Build. (There is currently no way to reset the version number)

Then select testpypi in the Repo parameter and click Publish component and hopefully this tox package will now be in your testpypi account

Beware that it takes testpypi 10-15 min for your new release to be avaible for general use

What is NOT working but would be very useful:

editable installs: so you could develop tox packages while developing your projects without always releasing. Basically it will install a "package pointer file" into site-packages and "pip install" / "poetry add" will read the actual folder/git location and install from there


Derivative hosts a TD package repo (so we don't polute pypi with tox packages), studios can locally host their own package repo for private

TouchDesigneruses pyproject.toml as it's central project configuration tool (e.g. project.paths, ...)


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