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A clone of Tokopedia Play (Backend) built using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB.

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Tokopedia Play Clone (API / Backend)

A clone of Tokopedia Play (Backend) built using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. This is a project of Fullstack Track in Generasi Gigih 3.0.

Link to the backend repository: tokopediaplay-fe-clone

Table of Contents

Database Schema

Consists of 3 collections: Video, Product, and Comment.


  • Embedding products in the Video to store list of productID, the product(s) of the video.
  • Only referencing videoID in the Comment document and not embedding it in the Video.


  1. Video
    • _id: ObjectID : Unique ID of the video
    • title: String : Title of the video
    • urlThumbnail: String : URL of the video thumbnail
    • urlVideo: String : URL of the video
    • products: Array of ObjectID / : List of productID (embedding), used to populate
    "_id": <ObjectID>,
    "title": String,
    "urlThumbnail": String,
    "urlVideo": String,
    "products": [<ObjectID>, <ObjectID>, ...],
  1. Product
    • _id: ObjectID : Unique ID of the product
    • videoID: ObjectID : Identifier to the video associated with the product
    • linkProduct: String : Link to the product
    • title: String : Title of the product
    • price: Number : Price of the product
    "_id": <ObjectID>,
    "videoID": <ObjectID>,
    "linkProduct": String,
    "title": String,
    "price": Number,
  1. Comment
    • _id: ObjectID : Unique ID of the product
    • videoID: ObjectID : Identifier to the video associated with the comment
    • username: String : Username of the commenter
    • comment: String : Comment text
    • createdAt: Date : Date of the comment creation
    • updatedAt: Date : Date of the comment update
    "_id": <ObjectID>,
    "videoID": <ObjectID>,
    "username": String,
    "comment": String,
    "createdAt": Date,
    "updatedAt": Date,

API Structure

Start with /api/ as the base URL. There are 3 parent endpoints: /videos, /products, and /comments.

API Request and Response

GET /api/videos

Returns all videos in the system.

  • URL Params
  • Data Params
  • Query Params:
    • query-search : String : Search query to filter videos by title
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
  • Success Response:
  • Code: 200
  • Content:
  videos: [
  • Error Response:
    • Code: 500
      Content: { error : error.message }

GET /api/videos/:videoID

Returns the specified video.

  • URL Params
    Required: videoID=[string]
  • Data Params
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
  • Success Response:
  • Code: 200
    Content: { <video_object> } => with populated products
  • Error Response:
    • Code: 400
      Content: { error : "Invalid VideoID parameter" }
    • Code: 404
      Content: { error : "Video doesn't exist" }
    • Code: 500
      Content: { error : error.message }

POST /api/videos

Creates a new Video and returns the new object.

  • URL Params
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
  • Data Params
    title: String,
    urlThumbnail: String,
    urlVideo: String,
  • Success Response:
  • Code: 201
    Content: { <user_object> }
  • Error Response:
    • Code: 400
          error : "Missing the following fields: *field(s)",
    • Code: 500
      Content: { error : error.message }

GET /api/videos/:videoID/products

Returns all products of the specified videoID.

  • URL Params
    Required: videoID=[string]
  • Data Params
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
  • Success Response:
  • Code: 200
  • Content:
  products: [
  • Error Response:
    • Code: 400
      Content: { error : "Invalid VideoID parameter" }
    • Code: 404
      Content: { error : "Video doesn't exist" }
    • Code: 500
      Content: { error : error.message }

GET /api/videos/:videoID/comments

Returns all comments of the specified videoID.

  • URL Params
    Required: videoID=[string]
  • Data Params
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
  • Success Response:
  • Code: 200
  • Content:
  amount: Number,
  comments: [
  • Error Response:
    • Code: 400
      Content: { error : "Invalid VideoID parameter" }
    • Code: 404
      Content: { error : "Video doesn't exist" }
    • Code: 500
      Content: { error : error.message }

POST /api/products

Creates a new Product and returns the new object.

  • URL Params
  • Data Params
    videoID: String,
    linkProduct: String,
    title: String,
    price: String,
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
  • Success Response:
  • Code: 201
  • Content: { <product_object> }
  • Error Response:
    • Code: 400
          error : "Missing the following fields: *field(s)",
    • Code: 404
      Content: { error : "Unable to add the product because the video doesn't exist" }
    • Code: 500
      Content: { error : error.message }

POST /api/comments

Creates a new Comment and returns the new object.

  • URL Params
  • Data Params
    videoID: String,
    username: String,
    comment: String,
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
  • Success Response:
  • Code: 201
  • Content:
  status: "Success",
  comment: {<comment_object>}
  • Error Response:
  • Code: 400
    • Content:
        status: "Fail",
        error : "Missing the following fields: *field(s)",
  • Code: 404
    Content: { status: "Fail", error : "Unable to add the product because the video doesn't exist" }
  • Code: 500
    Content: { status: "Fail", error : error.message }

How to run in local

Pre-requisites: Node.js, npm, MongoDB

  1. Clone the Repository
  2. Open terminal to that repo then Install Dependencies
npm install
  1. Rename .env.example file into .env
  2. In .env file, change the value of ORIGIN to your frontend URL, MONGO_URI to your MongoDB URI, and PORT to your desired port number
  3. (OPTIONAL) You can seed the database with sample data, it will delete all existing data in the database and replace it with the sample data
npm run seed:local
  1. Run the server using the following command
npm run dev

Bonus Features Implemented

  • Websocket for real-time comments
  • Search feature for videos


A clone of Tokopedia Play (Backend) built using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB.






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