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Handling Bounces

Andrew Theken edited this page Dec 12, 2014 · 2 revisions

The PostmarkClient allows you to search and process bounces from email that you send through the Postmark API.

Get Delivery Stats:

var client = new PostmarkClient("<server token>");

var deliveryStats = await client.GetDeliveryStatsAsync();

Get Bounces:

var client = new PostmarkClient("<server token>");

var bounces = await client.GetBouncesAsync();

Get Bounce Dump:

var client = new PostmarkClient("<server token>");

var bounceId = 42;
var bounceDump = await client.GetBounceDumpAsync(bounceId);

Activate a Bounce:

var client = new PostmarkClient("<server token>");

var bounceId = 42;
var bounceActivationStatus = await client.ActivateBounceAsync(bounceId);

Get Bounce Tags:

var client = new PostmarkClient("<server token>");
var bounceTags = await client.GetBounceTagsAsync();
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