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Introduction to Automated Testing

Learning Goals

  • Learn about how automated unit tests are used to verify code correctness
  • Define what "expected value" and "actual value" are in a test case
  • Define what a test "pass" vs. "failure" are
  • Consider the categories "positive nominal," "negative nominal," "positive edge," and "negative edge" in order to model different tests cases to construct
  • Learn about Test Driven Development (TDD) and its Red-Green-Refactor cycle

Intro: How Do We Verify Our Code is Working?

Think about a previous coding project.

What was one project requirement? How did you meet that project requirement?

How did you know that you fully met that project requirement?

How did you know that your project was working as expected?

Take a few minutes to consider, and check your list of strategies against ours.

To verify that our code meets the given requirement, we probably employed any number of these:

  1. Figure out "what the correct, expected output is," THEN run the Ruby program, and then compare it to what we see on the screen. We need to make sure that our output gets putsed onto the screen.
  2. Check that our code's logic makes sense. We need to make sure through reading code that our actual output can possibly create the correct solution.
  3. Ask someone else if our code is correct. We need to make sure that this person understands what "correct" means, and how to check our program.

But All Of These Strategies Require Clarity, Comparison, and Time

All of our strategies to verify code correctness have a few things in common: the strategies show that we need clarity, the ability to compare, and time.

Our Example: Imagine the Method calculate_sales_tax(cost)

For our lesson's example, imagine that Becca has a file calculator.rb. In Becca's file, she has a method named calculate_sales_tax(cost), which is a method that takes in a Float cost, and returns a Float that is the tax for that cost.

Imagine that we need to verify if Becca's method calculate_sales_tax(cost) is accurate or not.

However, we have one hiccup: We can run calculate_sales_tax(cost) as many times as we want, with whatever argument, but we cannot look at Becca's method.


In order to verify that the code is correct, we need to understand what correct means. Observe the vocabulary, definitions, and example below for some vocabulary that will help us find clarity.

Concept Definition Example
What piece of code are we verifying? What is method that we're testing? calculate_sales_tax(cost)
Context What things need to be set up in order for us to call this method? What is the argument cost going to be? We may say one time that cost = 17.00
Expected Value Given the context we set up, what is the literal value that the code should produce. What is the answer that we can expect to see, if everything is working correctly? If we go by Seattle's sales tax of 10.1%, then the expected value is 1.717.
Actual Value What do we get when we actually run this method, with this context (argument)? Let's imagine in this example that we got 1.7 from calculate_sales_tax(17.00)

When we have this vocabulary, we may be able to conclusively say:

  • When we run calculate_sales_tax(cost)...
  • with the context of passing 17.00 as cost...
  • we expect to get back 1.717...
  • even if we may actually get 1.7


Once we have a grasp on what our expected value is and our actual value is, we need to be able to compare.

So far as programmers, we probably used our Human Abilities to do this comparison.

This probably actually used a bunch of steps:

  1. We wrote down on a piece of paper that the expected answer is 1.717
  2. We programmed in our calculate_sales_tax(cost) method OR in our calculator.rb file a puts statement to print out the actual value
  3. We opened Terminal to run $ ruby calculator.rb
  4. We read through the program output in Terminal to look for the actual value, 1.7
  5. We used mental comparison to prove that 1.717 is not equal to 1.7
  6. We expected that our expected value would equal the actual value... And because 1.717 is not 1.7, then our method is not correct


Being able to spell out all of this detail, and then run $ ruby calculator.rb took a few minutes... Which is fine.

But what happens when we need to verify that our code is correct every time we change the code?

These minutes add up, very quickly.

Automated Unit Tests are Used to Verify Code Correctness

In order to participate in the huge software industry, programmers need to ensure that their code is "correct," whatever "correct" may mean.

If humans/programmers are able to determine what "correct" means, then humans/programmers can use automated unit tests to verify that their code is correctly in a much more clear, readable and scalable, and faster way.

An automated unit test suite is a set of code that is written and run to verify that code is correct.

By default, a programmer should supply:

  • The source code (the code to test)
  • Any context
  • What the expected value is
  • How to compare expected and actual

Running the Tests Produces Failures or Passes

When a programmer supplies all of these details, then they can run the unit tests.

Whenever automated unit tests run, we can general expect one of three outcomes:

Outcome Description Example "Color"
Pass There was a line in the unit test that expressed the expected relationship between expected value vs. actual value, and this expectation was met. We expect an expected value 100 to equal the actual value 100, and it does! "Green"
Fail There was a line in the unit test that expressed the expected relationship between expected value vs. actual value, and this expectation was NOT met. We expect an expected value 100 to equal the actual value 999, and it does not. "Red"
Error There was an Exception that was raised before the test could finish. This test cannot "pass" or "fail" because the code stopped prematurely We may see a SyntaxError and the stack trace related to it instead of "pass" or "fail" N/A

How Do We Construct a Test Case?

A single test case is one single specific scenario used to verify that the code is working in one aspect. How do we construct a test case?

Tests actually have a lot of flexibility in how they're written. The nuance and depth from tests all comes down to how we consider the following:

  • What is the method we are testing, and what are all of its responsibilities? What should it be doing?
  • What is any context for this method that we need to set up: What are some example inputs and arguments?
  • Given some specific inputs, what is its expected value?
  • What are some possible actual values that the method can produce, and what the actual value's relationship to the expected value?

Consider the calculate_sales_tax(cost) Example

We may answer the above questions for the example calculate_sales_tax(cost) in the following ways:


  1. The method is responsible for calculating sales tax when given a total cost
  2. The method is responsible for giving the sales tax in dollar amount, as a number, not rounded, not as a string
  3. The method is responsible for returning 0 if cost is a number 0 or less
  4. The method is responsible for raising an ArgumentError if cost is not a number

Example Inputs, their expected value, and their relationship to the actual value:

  1. 17.00, 1.717, the actual value should be equal to this expected value
  2. 777.77, 78.55477, the actual value should be equal to this expected value
  3. -88, 0, cost is less than or equal to 0, AND the actual value should be equal to this expected value
  4. 9banana, the program should raise an ArgumentError, the program should raise an ArgumentError

This list of example inputs, expected values, and their relationship to actual values are actually all test cases!

Different Types of Test Cases

The following section describes these four types of test cases:

  1. Positive Nominal Test Cases
  2. Negative Nominal Test Cases
  3. Positive Edge Test Cases
  4. Negative Edge Test Cases

What kind, how many, and how we write these test cases will change based on the situation. Sometimes we won't find any test cases within a certain category!

How we categorize test cases isn't that important. What's important is being able to consider all of the possible test cases.

The Obvious Test Case is the Nominal Test Case

Consider the test cases we listed above.

When we say that we must test that calculate_sales_tax(cost) is a correct method, which of these test cases is "the most obvious" test case that we DEFINITELY need to check?

A nominal test case is a type of test case that describes a piece of core functionality needed for the success of this method. This is the test case that verifies that the method does its primary responsibility.

A test suite, comprised of many test cases, may have many nominal test cases.

Positive Nominal Test Cases and Negative Nominal Test Cases

A positive nominal test case is a type of test case that describes a set of inputs and expectations of the most obvious, most typical use of the method to show it works as expected.

Example: We may test that the calculate_sales_tax(cost) method does work with the most obvious, most typical use case. If we give the method a number (17.00),

  • we should get back a number (1.717)
  • we should get it back in a certain format (as a number, not as a formatted String)

A negative nominal test case is a test case of the most obvious, most typical way that this method can handle unexpected input.

Example: We may test that the calculate_sales_tax(cost) method gracefully handles the most obvious, most typical case that it could break. If we give the method the non-number input 9banana, we should get back an error.

The Non-Obvious Test Case is the Edge Test Case

An edge test case is a type of test case that verifies that the method can work successfully, even given non-obvious context. This is the test case that verifies that the method works, even with very unexpected context.

A test suite, comprised of many test cases, may have many nominal test cases.

Positive Edge Cases and Negative Edge Cases

A positive edge test case is a test case that describes a set of inputs and expectations that are on the limits of the method's most obvious, most typical way of working successfully.

Some positive edge case inputs to consider are:

  • What if the input is huge, bigger than most expected data? For example, what if cost was the value 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999?
  • ... or smaller than expected? Like 0.00001?
  • What if cost is 0?
  • What if cost is a negative number?

A negative edge test case is a test case that test that this method can handle the most non-obvious, most atypical unexpected input.

Some negative edge case inputs to consider are:

  • What if cost is not a number?

Writing Tests in Ruby

Validating our code is something that we've been doing, and will continue to do!

In general, we've been validating our code manually-- by running our code, and checking our code and Terminal output against what's in our brains.

We also have been manually testing our code in Ruby code, with puts statements and conditional logic.

Consider the following code:

my_test_input = 17.00
expected_value = 1.717
actual_value = calculate_sales_tax(my_test_input)

if (expected_value == actual_value)
  puts "Your calculate_sales_tax method correctly calculated the sales tax of #{my_test_input}!"
  puts "Something was wrong... your calculate_sales_tax method was not accurate"

This is a totally valid way to verify that our code works in Ruby when a unit test suite is not required.

Our Testing Library in Ruby is Minitest

It would be handy to have a standard way that developers can use to write tests on their code, especially a way that other developers understand.

The maintainers of the Ruby language have adopted a testing gem called Minitest as the default standard for testing in Ruby & later Rails. For the remainder of your time using Ruby at Ada, we will be using Minitest to write unit-tests for your code.

Minitest will introduce proper syntax for how to actually go for test case description, to an automated test suite we can run in Terminal.

The Components of a Written Test: Arrange-Act-Assert

After we consider the test cases we need to write, we must begin the process of writing Ruby code with Minitest!

When we actually start writing test cases, we will typically follow this pattern:

For every test case:

  1. Arrange our code with all our variables and inputs: Arrange
  2. Perform an action which we want to test: Act
  3. Check with an expectation if it gives the desired result: Assert

This kind of looks familiar! Consider making the following comparisons with the vocabulary we used to construct test cases earlier:

Step Part of the Test Case We Described Earlier
Arrange The setup of context that we described earlier (what are our inputs and arguments?)
Act The method that we are verifying and testing
Assert The combination of expected value, actual value, and their relationship

There are exceptions to this pattern, but you will see the arrange-act-assert pattern over and over again in many languages and frameworks.

TDD Helps Us Focus On Correct Code

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a programming workflow technique where we write unit tests before and to drive writing our source code (solution code/implementation code).

When we use this programming technique, programmers get to use automated tests as a way to explore, build, and test your code as a repeated workflow loop.

How to TDD

Test-Driven-Development follows this process and order. Note that writing the test comes before writing the implementation code. That's the "test-driven" part!

  1. Write a test
  2. Watch it fail
  3. Make it pass
  4. Refactor
  5. Repeat

TDD is Summarized as "Red, Green, Refactor"

Red Green Refactor

You'll often hear this cycle shorthanded as Red, Green, Refactor.

  1. Write a test that describes a feature of the software.
  2. Run the test, and watch it fail. Watching it fail is crucial! This helps us confirm that the test is working as expected: we should get a test failure (or reasonable error) before the implementation code is written. This is watching a test result in red (or not passing the test).
  3. Write code that makes all the tests pass. This makes the test green.
  4. Look for opportunities to improve your code. This is most appropriate time to refactor-- after you have a messy working solution. This step does not add functionality.

Don't forget to make sure that your tests are still passing after the refactor!

TDD Checks Our Code As We Go

We should run our entire automated unit test suite often. When our requirements change, we can feel secure in changing our code because we have some tests to let us know if we've broken something.

Tests are transient. As you work on a project, your understanding of the problems at hand will change. As they do, your tests will change.

Keep in mind the balance between evolving requirements, evolving tests, and tests that should stay the same. This balance will change with every task.

Summary and Discussion Questions

Writing tests is a practiced skill, with a little bit of art to it.

It requires patience in order to question constantly:

  • What is this method supposed to do?
  • How can I verify that it's working?
  • What are all of the possible, reasonable test cases that I can write to verify that it's working?
  • How do I write it?

We will slowly build on these skills.

Consider these discussion questions about this material:

  1. What are automated unit tests? What do we mean by "expected value" and "actual value" when constructing a test case?
  2. When does a test "pass"? When does it "fail"?
  3. What are the steps to constructing a test case?
  4. What does a "nominal case" in tests mean? What does "edge case" mean?
  5. What is Act-Arrange-Assert?
  6. What is Red-Green-Refactor?
