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Object/Source level metrics considerations

Even though the executable code reflects semantics expressed in the application sources, Object and Source level coverage metrics are of very different nature, concerned with machine instructions vs high level constructs respectively.

Our purpose here is to illustrate this through a few examples, not to perform a qualitative comparison between the two kinds of criteria, way beyond the scope of this toolset user guide. The essential point is twofold:

  • Stress that annotated source reports for object criteria remain focused on object level metrics, and that source representations are just a means to present the results in this case.
  • Illustrate the |gcp| ability to compute accurate results for both kinds of criteria.

Main differences examplified

To illustrate the main differences between the two kinds of metrics, we exercise the following functional Ada unit:

--  Return whether X divides Y, print a message when True

function Divides (X, Y : Integer) return Boolean is
   if Y mod X = 0 then
      Put_Line (Integer'Image (X) & " divides " & Integer'Image (Y));
      return True;
      return False;
   end if;
end Divides;

Using the basic test driver below:

procedure Test_Ops1  is
   Assert (Divides (2, 4));
   Assert (not Divides (2, 5));
end Test_Ops1;

Divides features a simple decision controlling an if statement exercised both ways so the driver achieves statement and decision coverage. It even achieves mcdc since the decision has a single condition, which is reported by |gcp| with a 100% achievement for the stmt+mcdc coverage level and + annotations everywhere in the :cmd-option:`=xcov` output:

gnatcov coverage --level=stmt+mcdc --scos=@alis --annotate=xcov test_ops1.trace

100% of 4 lines covered
Coverage level: stmt+mcdc
 5 .:    function Divides (X, Y : Integer) return Boolean is
 6 .:    begin
 7 +:       if Y mod X = 0 then
 8 +:          Put_Line (Integer'Image (X) & " divides " & Integer'Image (Y));
 9 +:          return True;
10 .:       else
11 +:          return False;
12 .:       end if;
13 .:    end Divides;

If we consider object coverage now, we have to consider that the Ada mod operator needs special treatment to handle negative operands, which incurs an internal test (conditional branch) and dedicated sequences of instructions. The operation normally also entails a check to raise the predefined Constraint_Error exception if X happens to be null. These sequences are not exercised by our basic driver, and object coverage for the same execution trace correctly reports partial achievement only:

gnatcov coverage --level=insn --annotate=xcov test_ops1.trace
67% of 6 lines covered
Coverage level: insn
 5 +:    function Divides (X, Y : Integer) return Boolean is
 6 .:    begin
 7 !:       if Y mod X = 0 then
 8 !:          Put_Line (Integer'Image (X) & " divides " & Integer'Image (Y));
 9 +:          return True;
10 .:       else
11 +:          return False;
12 .:       end if;
13 +:    end Divides;

Another difference we can notice here is the presence of coverage annotations on lines 5 and 13, which had . in the source coverage reports. This materializes the fact that there is machine code associated with these lines (prologue and epilogue sequences, in particular), but no entity of source level relevance (what we call :term:`Source Coverage Obligation`) at all there.

Full branch coverage vs MCDC

The second example we look at is the canonical case which exposed that object branch coverage does not necessarily imply mcdc coverage, contrary to what was believed for long. Consider this source and the associated decision Binary Decision Diagram:

function Orand (A, B, C : Boolean) return Boolean is
   return (A or else B) and then C;
end Orand;

BDD for (A or else B) and then C

The following simple driver exercises all the paths through this BDD:

procedure Test_Orand  is
   X : constant Boolean := True;
   Assert (Orand (True, X, True) = True);
   Assert (Orand (False, False, X) = False);
   Assert (Orand (False, True, False) = False);
end Test_Orand;

As we will be comparing with the mcdc assessment, we pass :cmd-option:`--scos` and :cmd-option:`--level` to |gcvrun| prior to anything else, so we will be able to reuse the same execution trace for both our object and source level experiments:

gnatcov run --scos=@alis --level=stmt+mcdc test_orand

Now we verify that |gcp| reports full object coverage as expected:

gnatcov coverage --level=branch --annotate=xcov test_orand.trace
100% of 3 lines covered
Coverage level: branch

1 +: function Orand (A, B, C : Boolean) return Boolean is
2 .: begin
3 +:    return (A or else B) and then C;
4 +: end Orand;

With 3 tests for 3 conditions, mcdc cannot be achieved yet and |gcp| reports this correctly as well. Using :cmd-option:`=xcov+` to see the reason for partial coverage attached to line 3, we indeed get:

gnatcov coverage --level=stmt+mcdc --scos=@alis --annotate=xcov+ test_orand.trace
0% of 1 lines covered
Coverage level: stmt+mcdc

1 .: function Orand (A, B, C : Boolean) return Boolean is
2 .: begin
3 !:    return (A or else B) and then C;
CONDITION "B" at 3:22 has no independent influence pair, MC/DC not achieved
4 .: end Orand;

We have a clear illustration of the |gcp| ability to perform accurate assessments of distinct source and object criteria here, actually based on solid theoretical grounds established as part of the Couverture research project from which |gcp| originates. The core particularity allowing full branch coverage without mcdc is the presence of decisions with BDDs which are not trees, as we have in this specfic case,