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Components for dealing with spline curves,

quick use, this will clone #tracks-glb along this curve. the curve-point don't need to be direct descendents of the <a-curve> you can nest them or stack them on each other. You can also move them around and the curve wil ladjust. Although if the number of the cloned models increases then it will need to perform an expensive operation so try to avoid doing it on a per-frame basis but occasionally is fine.

<script src=""></script>

  <a-curve closed="true" tension="0.1" clone-along-curve="spacing: 0.06;scale:0.4 0.4 0.4;" gltf-model="#tracks-glb">
    <a-curve-point position="0 0 -3" gltf-model="#flag-glb"></a-curve-point>
    <a-curve-point position="-3 0 -3" gltf-model="#flag-glb"></a-curve-point>
    <a-curve-point position="-3 0 0" gltf-model="#flag-glb"></a-curve-point>
    <a-curve-point position="0 0 0" gltf-model="#flag-glb"></a-curve-point>

curve component

This defines a Catmull-Rom spline curve. It is exposed on el.components.curve.curve,

Property Type Description Default
tension number The Catmull-Rom Tension 0.25
closed boolean Whether it joins back up with it's tail false

curve-point component

A point that tracks itself in 3D world space and updates the curve that it has changed.

No configuration required

draw-curve component

Property Type Description Default
curve selector Curve to draw, defaults to the curve on the same entity.
spacing number How far apart to place the line segments, smaller is a smoother curve. 0.5
tangent boolean Draw curve tangents false
normal boolean Draw curve normals false
length number Length to draw the normal and tangent markers 0.1

clone-along-curve component

Apply this to the curve element, or set one seperately, to instance element at fixed intervals along a curve. They will be rotated to follw the curve.

Property Type Description Default
curve selector Optional, pick a particular curve to use, it defaults to the curve on it's own element
spacing number How far apart to place the elements 1
scale vec3 Scale of the elements {"x":1,"y":1,"z":1}


Describes a curve doesn't display anything unless one of the other components is used

Default Components:

Default component Settings
curve {}

Entity Attribute Mappings:

Property Mapping
closed "curve.closed"
tension "curve.tension"


This is used to set the control points of the curve, they don't need to be immediate children.

Default Components:

Default component Settings
curve-point {}


Describes a curve this uses the draw-curve component to draw a line where the curve is.

Default Components:

Default component Settings
draw-curve {}
curve {}

Entity Attribute Mappings:

Property Mapping
curve "draw-curve.curve"
closed "curve.closed"
tension "curve.tension"