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Automated port of Lamina to AFrame

<a-lamina geometry="" material="shader:lamina;color:white;lighting:phong;" position="-1 0.5 -3" rotation="0 45 0">
	<lamina-color color="hotpink" mode="screen"></lamina-color>
	<lamina-normal mode="multiply" alpha="0.5"></lamina-normal>
	<lamina-depth mode="multiply" mapping="camera"></lamina-depth>
<a-sphere position="0 1.25 -5" radius="1.25" material="shader:lamina;lighting:phong;">
	<lamina-texture map="#wave"></lamina-texture>
	<lamina-gradient mode="screen" color-a="hotpink" color-b="skyblue"></lamina-gradient>
	<lamina-fresnel mode="add"></lamina-fresnel>
<a-cylinder material="shader:lamina;lighting:standard;" position="1 0.75 -3" radius="0.5" height="1.5">
	<lamina-gradient color-a="green" color-b="yellow"></lamina-gradient>
	<lamina-matcap map="#wave" mode="screen"></lamina-matcap>


lamina component

Property Type Description Default
layers selector Element that contains the layers, defautls to this element.
color color Base color "white"
alpha number Alpha 1
lighting string Shading model to use.. One of phong, physical, toon, basic, lambert, standard "basic"


Default Components:

Default component Settings
material "shader:lamina;"

Entity Attribute Mappings:

Property Mapping
color "material.color"
alpha "material.alpha"
lighting ""

lamina-color component

Property Type Description Default
mode string . One of normal, add, subtract, multiply, lighten, darken, divide, overlay, screen, softlight, negation, reflect "normal"
visible boolean true
color color "red"
alpha number 1


Default Components:

Default component Settings
lamina-color ""

Entity Attribute Mappings:

Property Mapping
mode "lamina-color.mode"
visible "lamina-color.visible"
color "lamina-color.color"
alpha "lamina-color.alpha"

lamina-depth component

Property Type Description Default
mode string . One of normal, add, subtract, multiply, lighten, darken, divide, overlay, screen, softlight, negation, reflect "normal"
visible boolean true
near number 2
far number 10
origin object {}
colorA color "white"
colorB color "black"
alpha number 1
mapping string . One of vector, world, camera "vector"


Default Components:

Default component Settings
lamina-depth ""

Entity Attribute Mappings:

Property Mapping
mode "lamina-depth.mode"
visible "lamina-depth.visible"
near "lamina-depth.near"
far "lamina-depth.far"
origin "lamina-depth.origin"
color-a "lamina-depth.colorA"
color-b "lamina-depth.colorB"
alpha "lamina-depth.alpha"
mapping "lamina-depth.mapping"

lamina-fresnel component

Property Type Description Default
mode string . One of normal, add, subtract, multiply, lighten, darken, divide, overlay, screen, softlight, negation, reflect "normal"
visible boolean true
color color "white"
alpha number 1
bias number
intensity number 1
power number 2
factor number 1


Default Components:

Default component Settings
lamina-fresnel ""

Entity Attribute Mappings:

Property Mapping
mode "lamina-fresnel.mode"
visible "lamina-fresnel.visible"
color "lamina-fresnel.color"
alpha "lamina-fresnel.alpha"
bias "lamina-fresnel.bias"
intensity "lamina-fresnel.intensity"
power "lamina-fresnel.power"
factor "lamina-fresnel.factor"

lamina-gradient component

Property Type Description Default
mode string . One of normal, add, subtract, multiply, lighten, darken, divide, overlay, screen, softlight, negation, reflect "normal"
visible boolean true
colorA color "white"
colorB color "black"
alpha number 1
start number 1
end number -1
contrast number 1
axes string . One of x, y, z "x"
mapping string . One of local, world, uv "local"


Default Components:

Default component Settings
lamina-gradient ""

Entity Attribute Mappings:

Property Mapping
mode "lamina-gradient.mode"
visible "lamina-gradient.visible"
color-a "lamina-gradient.colorA"
color-b "lamina-gradient.colorB"
alpha "lamina-gradient.alpha"
start "lamina-gradient.start"
end "lamina-gradient.end"
contrast "lamina-gradient.contrast"
axes "lamina-gradient.axes"
mapping "lamina-gradient.mapping"

lamina-matcap component

Property Type Description Default
mode string . One of normal, add, subtract, multiply, lighten, darken, divide, overlay, screen, softlight, negation, reflect "normal"
visible boolean true
alpha number 1
map map


Default Components:

Default component Settings
lamina-matcap ""

Entity Attribute Mappings:

Property Mapping
mode "lamina-matcap.mode"
visible "lamina-matcap.visible"
alpha "lamina-matcap.alpha"
map ""

lamina-noise component

Property Type Description Default
mode string . One of normal, add, subtract, multiply, lighten, darken, divide, overlay, screen, softlight, negation, reflect "normal"
visible boolean true
colorA color "#666666"
colorB color "#666666"
colorC color "#FFFFFF"
colorD color "#FFFFFF"
alpha number 1
scale number 1
offset object {}
type string . One of perlin, simplex, cell, curl, white "perlin"
mapping string . One of local, world, uv "local"


Default Components:

Default component Settings
lamina-noise ""

Entity Attribute Mappings:

Property Mapping
mode "lamina-noise.mode"
visible "lamina-noise.visible"
color-a "lamina-noise.colorA"
color-b "lamina-noise.colorB"
color-c "lamina-noise.colorC"
color-d "lamina-noise.colorD"
alpha "lamina-noise.alpha"
scale "lamina-noise.scale"
offset "lamina-noise.offset"
type "lamina-noise.type"
mapping "lamina-noise.mapping"

lamina-normal component

Property Type Description Default
mode string . One of normal, add, subtract, multiply, lighten, darken, divide, overlay, screen, softlight, negation, reflect "normal"
visible boolean true
alpha number 1
direction object {}


Default Components:

Default component Settings
lamina-normal ""

Entity Attribute Mappings:

Property Mapping
mode "lamina-normal.mode"
visible "lamina-normal.visible"
alpha "lamina-normal.alpha"
direction "lamina-normal.direction"

lamina-texture component

Property Type Description Default
mode string . One of normal, add, subtract, multiply, lighten, darken, divide, overlay, screen, softlight, negation, reflect "normal"
visible boolean true
alpha number 1
map map


Default Components:

Default component Settings
lamina-texture ""

Entity Attribute Mappings:

Property Mapping
mode "lamina-texture.mode"
visible "lamina-texture.visible"
alpha "lamina-texture.alpha"
map ""

lamina-displace component

Property Type Description Default
mode string . One of normal, add, subtract, multiply, lighten, darken, divide, overlay, screen, softlight, negation, reflect "normal"
visible boolean true
strength number 1
scale number 1
offset object {}
type string . One of perlin, simplex, cell, curl, white "perlin"
mapping string . One of local, world, uv "local"


Default Components:

Default component Settings
lamina-displace ""

Entity Attribute Mappings:

Property Mapping
mode "lamina-displace.mode"
visible "lamina-displace.visible"
strength "lamina-displace.strength"
scale "lamina-displace.scale"
offset "lamina-displace.offset"
type "lamina-displace.type"
mapping "lamina-displace.mapping"