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Star Cards!

Hi there!

This is a group project created for the React Module and Node JS module of Adalab's Coding Bootcamp.

By clicking on the Github Pages link attached above in the description, you can check out our page!

The Project

1. A case of legacy code

In the third module of the bootcamp, the main objective was to work on a legacy code of another team, which was developed using JavaScript, and switch it's functionalities using React.

Our goals were:

  • Deal with legacy code and be able to refactor it.
  • Know how to identify and generate the components of a page, separate them and create visually similar components from them.
  • Learn how to use React to create a simple web application.
  • Learn to search for information in the documentation of external libraries.
  • Implement Scrum as a reference framework for product development, always basing ourselves on Agile values ​​as key points of teamwork and continuous improvement.
  • Improve communication between team members.
  • Improve your communication skills in public by presenting the project in the final session.

It was developed using:

  • React
  • JSX
  • Sass

2. Awesome Profile Cards Server

In the fourth module our objective was to create a database using SQLite Browser and after to deploy the project on Railway server.

Our goals were:

  • Consolidate the learning of Node JS and Express JS technologies to learn how to listen to requests from browsers.
  • Consolidate SQL learning to work with databases and save user data persistently.
  • Consolidate the learning of API Rest to know how to structure and organize the communications between a browser and a server in an optimal way.
  • To be able to carry out a complete web project, without the need to request help from any other development team.
  • To be able to put a complete project into production: front end + back end.
  • Improve communication between team members and with other development teams.

It was developed using:

  • Node JS
  • SQLite
  • Express JS
  • EJS
  • Railway

What can you do?

  • Choose a color palette that represents you!

  • Create your card

  • With our web page you will be able to create an awesome contact card, displaying your name and your job, along with a photo of your preference. Below the card, you'll find social media icons that will direct people to your online profiles on gitHub and LinkedIn, as well as icons for contacting you directly by email or phone.

  • If you regret the image you chose, and want to start again Reset your data by clicking on the reset button.

  • When you are happy with the result share it on Twitter.


