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Welcome to StructureMap, the oldest Inversion of Control container.

Getting StructureMap

StructureMap is available via NuGet:

> Install-Package StructureMap

Also, you can get it from the downloads area. If you want to fix a bug or just want to tinker with an idea, we love receiving pull requests!

Building the Source

  1. Clone the repository: git clone git://
  2. make sure that you have got ruby installed.
  3. run gem install albacore
  4. Necessary files for the build are located in the buildsupport git module. To obtain the contents run git submodule update --init. The --init flag is only necessary the first time you run it.
  5. In the root, run rake.
  6. Open StructureMap.sln in VS2010.
  7. Build

Debugger Visualizers

These were an experiment to find a better way to analyze problems in the container. To enable the debugger visualizers in Visual Studio 2008, put a copy of StructureMap.dll and StructureMap.DebuggerVisualizers.dll in <My Documents>\Visual Studio 2008\Visualizers

WARNING: The visualizer is very early and not well tested. You may experience issues (unhandled exceptions while using the visualizer) if the version of StructureMap.dll in your project is not the exact version in your Visualizers folder.

A copy of the StructureMap website and documentation is in the "Docs" folder.

Please post any questions or bugs to the StructureMap Users mailing list:

The latest code and documentation is available on the main site:

Thanks for trying StructureMap.


A Dependency Injection/Inversion of Control tool for .NET







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