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An implementation of Connect 4 for OSU's Proteus platform. ENGR 1281.01H Software Design Project

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FEH Software Design Project - Connect4

Pietro Lavezzo, Adam Exley, Lauren Pokonosky

Additional documentation can be found on the offical website

Compiling Code and Running Connect 4

As long as you have the Proteus Simulator installed, compilation is simple.

  1. Download the code as a .zip file from the project GitHub page
  2. Unzip this file (usually right click -> Extract All/ Unzip)
  3. Open the resulting folder in Visual Studio
  4. Run mingw32-make in the terminal
  5. Using the Proteus Simulator, run the resulting game file

File Structure

Header files are used, here's a reference on how they work.

.h files contain the declarations of classes and associated functions.

.cpp files contain the definitions of all functions in the corresponding .h file.

main.cpp contains all the basic code for the project, as in any other simple program.

Classes and Functions Used

Brief descriptions provided; see documentation or code for more information.

Bold functions are public


  • AI() - Constructs AI object
  • setDifficulty() - Sets AI difficulty
  • pickMove() - AI makes a move based on the current game state
  • easyMove() - A random column is selected as a move
  • isValidMove() - Modified from board class
  • inARow() - Counts number of playable chip combos in a row given a game state
  • fromCenter() - Gives the average dispersion of a player's chips from the center


  • Board() - Constructs board object
  • Reset() - Resets object to inital state
  • DrawBoard() - Draws full board
  • DrawChips() - Draws only chips of board
  • DrawBoardMenu() - Draws menu buttons to left of board
  • isValidMove() - Checks that specified move is valid
  • getCurrentColumn() - Finds the column that the player selects
  • getAIMove() - Imports AI move
  • dropChip() - Animates the dropping of a chip
  • occludeChip() - Covers over a dropping chip with an approximation of the board
  • updateGameState() - Adds new chip to board
  • pushGameState() - Exports internal game state to external array
  • checkWin() - Checks for a win or tie


  • Game() - Constructs object, sets current player to 1
  • Reset() - Resets current player
  • setSingleplayer() - Sets if game is single or multiplayer
  • getCurrentPlayer() - Returns current player ID
  • isPlayerTurn() - Returns if it is a human's turn
  • switchPlayer() - Switches current player

Includes the classless function:

  • waitForInput() - Waits for and returns location of a touch on the screen


  • Image() - Constructs an Image object, sets size and options
  • Draw() - Converts, optimizes, and plots an image from a hexadecimal color array
  • lookupColor() - Finds the cloesest Proteus color to a hexadecimal color
  • HorizLineOptimize() - Attempts to change small discrepencies in color in lines
  • PlotImg() - Displays image on screen


  • Menu() - Constructs Menu object and sets menu state and statistics
  • checkTouchLocation() - Waits for a touch and execues the function corresponding to the touch location
  • showMain() - Draws main menu
  • showPlay() - Draws game selection menu
  • showDifficulty() - Draws singleplayer difficulty selection screen
  • showStats() - Draws statistics screen
  • showInstructions() - Shows game instructions
  • showCredits() - Shows game credits
  • drawReturnExit() - Draws the return and exit buttons present on most menus
  • getDifficulty() - Returns selected difficulty
  • getSingleplayer() - Returns if singleplayer mode was selected
  • updateStats() - Updates stored statistics
  • showWinLoss() - Shows the win/loss/tie screen
  • displayTA() - Draws a random TA for win/loss/tie screens
  • showExit() - Shows the game exit screen forever


An implementation of Connect 4 for OSU's Proteus platform. ENGR 1281.01H Software Design Project



