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This reddit charm provides the means to get a working, scalable version of reddit.


In order to deploy this charm, you will need a working juju installation. Once bootstrapped, issue these commands:


juju deploy -n 2 cs:precise/cassandra
juju deploy postgresql
juju deploy rabbitmq-server
juju deploy memcached
juju deploy cs:precise/gunicorn
juju deploy cs:precise/haproxy
juju deploy cs:precise/nfs
juju deploy reddit


# Enable single machine mode for cassandra, if not running a cluster
juju deploy -n 2 cs:precise/cassandra

juju deploy postgresql
juju deploy rabbitmq-server
juju deploy memcached
juju deploy cs:precise/gunicorn
juju deploy cs:precise/haproxy
juju deploy cs:precise/nfs
juju deploy reddit


juju add-relation reddit:database cassandra:database
juju add-relation reddit:db postgresql:db
juju add-relation reddit rabbitmq-server
juju add-relation reddit memcached
juju add-relation reddit nfs
juju add-relation reddit gunicorn

juju expose reddit

After a successful deployment, you can get the reddit unit IP address with:

juju status reddit

and then browse to http://ip-address:8001/ to view the site.

The source files are installed to /home/reddit/src/reddit, in the unit machine's file system.

Sample Data

To add sample data, run the following commands:

juju ssh reddit/0
>>> from r2.models import populatedb
>>> populatedb.populate()
service start reddit-job-update_reddits

This will take a little while to run, and will spew a lot of trace to the control


Reddit and haproxy, oh my. This is a work-in-progress. Use port 8001 and the reddit unit IP for now.

juju set haproxy services=" "
juju add-relation reddit:website haproxy:reverseproxy
  • Need to make the charm work simply by IP address of the haproxy node.
  • Need to test with multiple haproxy services
  • Need to talk about setting the domain, i.e., reddit.local,, etc.
  • Admin interface
  • How to add a reddit


The configuration options will be listed on the charm store, however If you're making assumptions or opinionated decisions in the charm (like setting a default administrator password), you should detail that here so the user knows how to change it immediately, etc.

juju set reddit [option]=[value]
juju set reddit
juju set reddit user=myname (return password?)
juju set reddit s3keyid=
juju set reddit s3secretkey=
juju set reddit s3buckets=

juju set haproxy default_timeouts="maxconn 350"


Shared media -- NFS (rsync on join, remove local files on break?) or S3 NFS -- create the mount on the first deployed unit, mount it elsewhere. First user created is the/an admin user Sutro - websockets not implemented yet



If you're only going to run one Cassandra node:

juju set cassandra allow-single-node=true

##NFS - if using the local provider

apt-get install nfs-common
modprobe nfsd
mount -t nfsd nfsd /proc/fs/nfsd

Edit /etc/apparmor.d/lxc/lxc-default to add the following three lines to it:

 mount fstype=nfs,
 mount fstype=nfsd,
 mount fstype=nfs4,
 mount fstype=rpc_pipefs,

after which:

 sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor restart


Add interface for monitoring (like nagios) Time how long it takes to go from a fresh system to a fully running stack.


Contact Information

Charm maintainer: Adam Israel

Upstream Project Name


A juju charm to install reddit






No releases published
