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Custom Dapper implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Identity.Stores using Source Code Generators.

It allows to customize classes which are used by Microsoft Identity and generate Dapper code for them. Schema of database needs to be created manually but queries are generated based automatically. User can change schema from default 'dbo' to any other. User can also skip NormalizedUserName, NormalizedEmail and NormalizedName columns in database and queries.

Sample using nuget within project is available here Sample.


  1. In your project add nuget packages
    <PackageReference Include="AdaskoTheBeAsT.Identity.Dapper" Version="1.0.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="AdaskoTheBeAsT.Identity.Dapper.SqlServer" Version="1.0.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="Dapper" Version="2.0.123" />
    <PackageReference Include="Dapper.SqlBuilder" Version="2.0.78" />
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Identity.Stores" Version="7.0.5" />
  1. Add following property groups to your project file
    <!--to see generated code set to true-->
    <!--override path of generated output-->
    <!--customize schema name by default is 'dbo'-->
    <!--false by default - if true  completely skip operating in Roles table on NormalizedName and in User table on NormalizedUserName, NormalizedEmail-->
  1. Add following item groups
    <!-- Exclude the output of source generators from the compilation -->
    <Compile Remove="$(CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath)/**/*.cs" />

    <None Include="Generated/**/*" />
  1. To your project add following classes which inherits from Microsoft Identity classes
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;

namespace Sample.SqlServer;

public class ApplicationRole
    : IdentityRole<Guid>

public class ApplicationRoleClaim
    : IdentityRoleClaim<Guid>

public class ApplicationUser
    : IdentityUser<Guid>
    public bool Active { get; set; }

public class ApplicationUserClaim
    : IdentityUserClaim<Guid>

public class ApplicationUserLogin
    : IdentityUserLogin<Guid>

public class ApplicationUserRole
    : IdentityUserRole<Guid>

public class ApplicationUserToken
    : IdentityUserToken<Guid>
  1. Recompile your project

  2. You should see generated files in Generated folder

Sample output


Dapper implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Identity.Stores







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