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Releases: Adedoyin-Emmanuel/methane-cli

Methane-Cli v1.4.9

28 Jun 08:10
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Methane v1.4.9 🚀

What's new ❓

The latest patch version 1.4.9 introduces a crucial fix that enhances the naming conventions for generated components and Next.js pages. This update ensures hyphenated names are correctly capitalized, providing a more consistent and readable codebase.

Component Capitalization Fix:

When generating components with hyphenated names, Methane-CLI will now correctly capitalize each segment of the name. For instance, creating a component named animated-button will result in a component named AnimatedButton. This ensures that components follow standard PascalCase naming conventions, enhancing code readability and consistency.

Next.js Page Capitalization Fix:

Similarly, generating Next.js pages with hyphenated names will now produce correctly capitalized page names. For example, a page named 2fa-auth will be created as 2FaAuth, user-appointments as UserAppointments, and privacy-policy as PrivacyPolicy. This fix ensures that page names are intuitive and follow common naming practices.

# Generating a React Component
mac@Macs-MBP~/D/react-app$ methane g -c animated-button
# This will create a component named AnimatedButton

# Generating a Next.js Page
mac@Macs-MBP~/D/react-app$ methane g -np user-appointments
# This will create a page named UserAppointments

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.4.8...1.4.9

Methane-Cli v1.4.1

17 Apr 22:31
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What's New ❓

I'm super excited to release a patch version for methane 🚀 Version 1.4.1 aims to fix issues related to the components and pages generation.

  1. React Components and Pages as well as NextJs Components, Pages name default to index.jsx or index.tsx if generateFolder configuration is specified. This makes components and pages import cleaner and easier to understand. For example, if you generate a component called Button, the generated component path would be Button/index.jsx or Button/index.tsx and you can import it like this import Button from './components/Button'. Unlike before where you would have to import it like this import Button from './components/Button/Button'.
  2. Fixed component and page capitalization issues. In previous versions of Methane, if you generate a component called button, the file name remains button but the generated component would be button instead of Button. This has been fixed in this version.
  3. Gracefully handled potential errors that might occur when generating pages or components.
  4. Added a new argument -d or --default to methane init command. This allows developers to easily initialize Methane with the default configuration without being prompted to answer questions. This is useful when you want to quickly initialize Methane in a new project. Note You can always update the Methane configuration by running methane config command.

Methane-CLI 1.1.0

02 Jul 20:47
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What's New ?

Added a new command list-config [ls]

  • --list-config or -lc: Lists all Methane-Cli configurations.
doyin@doyinHpLaptop:~/Desktop/react-app$ methane-cli list-config

All configurations
  template: 'jsx',
  component: 'arrow',
  page: 'arrow',
  generateStylesheet: 'true',
  generateFolder: 'true',
  register: 'true',
  stylesheetType: 'css'