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Releases: AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome

AdGuard Home v0.108.0-b.32

05 Apr 14:27
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Changes compared to the previous beta, v0.108.0-b.31. See for all changes.

Full changelog



  • The ability to make bootstrap DNS lookups prefer IPv6 addresses to IPv4 ones using the new dns.bootstrap_prefer_ipv6 configuration file property (#4262).

AdGuard Home v0.107.27

05 Apr 14:08
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This is a security and bugfix release. There are no changes besides the update of the Go programming language version and fixes to a few bugs.

More substantial changes are to come in the subsequent updates.

Full changelog

See also the v0.107.27 GitHub milestone.



  • Query log not showing all filtered queries when the “Filtered” log filter is selected (#5639).

  • Panic in empty hostname in the filter's URL (#5631).

  • Panic caused by empty top-level domain name label in /etc/hosts files (#5584).

AdGuard Home v0.108.0-b.31

30 Mar 14:12
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Changes compared to the previous beta, v0.108.0-b.30. See for all changes.

A special thanks to our open-source contributor, @Gobd, as well as to everyone who filed and inspected issues, added translations, and helped us test this release!

Full changelog


  • Docker container's healthcheck (#3290).

  • The new HTTP API POST /control/protection, that updates protection state and adds an optional pause duration (#1333). The format of request body is described in openapi/openapi.yaml. The duration of this pause could also be set with the config field protection_disabled_until in dns section of the YAML configuration file.

  • The ability to create a static DHCP lease from a dynamic one more easily (#3459).

  • Two new HTTP APIs, PUT /control/stats/config/update and GET control/stats/config, which can be used to set and receive the query log configuration. See openapi/openapi.yaml for the full description.

  • Two new HTTP APIs, PUT /control/querylog/config/update and GET control/querylog/config, which can be used to set and receive the statistics configuration. See openapi/openapi.yaml for the full description.

  • The ability to set custom IP for EDNS Client Subnet by using the DNS-server configuration section on the DNS settings page in the UI (#1472).

  • The ability to manage safesearch for each service by using the new safe_search field (#1163).


  • ARPA domain names containing a subnet within private networks now also considered private, behaving closer to RFC 6761 (#5567).

Configuration Changes

In this release, the schema version has changed from 17 to 20.

  • Property statistics.interval, which in schema versions 19 and earlier used to be an integer number of days, is now a string with a human-readable duration:

    # BEFORE:
      'interval': 1
    # AFTER:
      'interval': '24h'

    To rollback this change, convert the property back into days and change the schema_version back to 19.

  • The dns.safesearch_enabled field has been replaced with safe_search object containing per-service settings.

  • The clients.persistent.safesearch_enabled field has been replaced with safe_search object containing per-service settings.

      # BEFORE:
      'safesearch_enabled': true
      # AFTER:
        'enabled': true
        'bing': true
        'duckduckgo': true
        'google': true
        'pixabay': true
        'yandex': true
        'youtube': true

    To rollback this change, move the value of dns.safe_search.enabled into the dns.safesearch_enabled, then remove dns.safe_search field. Do the same client's specific clients.persistent.safesearch and then change the schema_version back to 17.


  • The POST /control/safesearch/enable HTTP API is deprecated. Use the new PUT /control/safesearch/settings API.

  • The POST /control/safesearch/disable HTTP API is deprecated. Use the new PUT /control/safesearch/settings API

  • The safesearch_enabled field is deprecated in the following HTTP APIs:

    • GET /control/clients;
    • POST /control/clients/add;
    • POST /control/clients/update;
    • GET /control/clients/find?ip0=...&ip1=...&ip2=....

    Check openapi/openapi.yaml for more details.

  • The GET /control/stats_info HTTP API; use the new GET /control/stats/config API instead.

    NOTE: If interval is custom then it will be equal to 90 days for compatibility reasons. See openapi/openapi.yaml and openapi/

  • The POST /control/stats_config HTTP API; use the new PUT /control/stats/config/update API instead.

  • The GET /control/querylog_info HTTP API; use the new GET /control/querylog/config API instead.

    NOTE: If interval is custom then it will be equal to 90 days for compatibility reasons. See openapi/openapi.yaml and openapi/

  • The POST /control/querylog_config HTTP API; use the new PUT /control/querylog/config/update API instead.


  • Query log not showing all filtered queries when the “Filtered” log filter is selected (#5639).

  • Panic in empty hostname in the filter's URL (#5631).

  • Panic caused by empty top-level domain name label in /etc/hosts files (#5584).

AdGuard Home v0.108.0-b.30

09 Mar 13:34
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Changes compared to the previous beta, v0.108.0-b.29. See for all changes.

Full changelog


  • Go version has been updated to prevent the possibility of exploiting the CVE-2023-24532 Go vulnerability fixed in Go 1.19.7.


  • The ability to set custom IP for EDNS Client Subnet by using the new dns.edns_client_subnet.use_custom and dns.edns_client_subnet.custom_ip fields (#1472). The UI changes are coming in the upcoming releases.


Configuration Changes

In this release, the schema version has changed from 16 to 17.

  • Property edns_client_subnet, which in schema versions 16 and earlier used to be a part of the dns object, is now part of the dns.edns_client_subnet object:

    # BEFORE:
      'edns_client_subnet': false
    # AFTER:
        'enabled': false
        'use_custom': false
        'custom_ip': ''

    To rollback this change, move the value of dns.edns_client_subnet.enabled into the dns.edns_client_subnet, remove the fields dns.edns_client_subnet.enabled, dns.edns_client_subnet.use_custom, dns.edns_client_subnet.custom_ip, and change the schema_version back to 16.


  • Obsolete value of the Interface MTU DHCP option is now omitted (#5281).

AdGuard Home v0.107.26

09 Mar 13:17
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We swear, winters only get longer over the years; however, yet another one is behind us, and what a better way to celebrate Spring 💐 than to release an AdGuard Home update. Today’s one features further customization options for outbound queries, new option to drop requests based on their question types, and various bugfixes.

Full changelog

See also the v0.107.26 GitHub milestone.


  • Go version has been updated to prevent the possibility of exploiting the CVE-2023-24532 Go vulnerability fixed in Go 1.19.7.


  • The ability to set custom IP for EDNS Client Subnet by using the new dns.edns_client_subnet.use_custom and dns.edns_client_subnet.custom_ip fields (#1472). The UI changes are coming in the upcoming releases.

  • The ability to use dnstype rules in the disallowed domains list (#5468). This allows dropping requests based on their question types.


Configuration Changes

In this release, the schema version has changed from 16 to 17.

  • Property edns_client_subnet, which in schema versions 16 and earlier used to be a part of the dns object, is now part of the dns.edns_client_subnet object:

    # BEFORE:
      'edns_client_subnet': false
    # AFTER:
        'enabled': false
        'use_custom': false
        'custom_ip': ''

    To rollback this change, move the value of dns.edns_client_subnet.enabled into the dns.edns_client_subnet, remove the fields dns.edns_client_subnet.enabled, dns.edns_client_subnet.use_custom, dns.edns_client_subnet.custom_ip, and change the schema_version back to 16.


  • Obsolete value of the Interface MTU DHCP option is now omitted (#5281).

  • Various dark theme bugs (#5439, #5441, #5442, #5515).

  • Automatic update on MIPS64 and little-endian 32-bit MIPS architectures (#5270, #5373).

  • Requirements to domain names in domain-specific upstream configurations have been relaxed to meet those from RFC 3696 (#4884).

AdGuard Home v0.108.0-b.29

01 Mar 12:21
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Changes compared to the previous beta, v0.108.0-b.28. See for all changes.

Full changelog


  • The ability to use dnstype rules in the disallowed domains list (#5468). This allows dropping requests based on their question types.


AdGuard Home v0.108.0-b.28

21 Feb 15:27
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Changes compared to the previous beta, v0.108.0-b.27. See for all changes.

Full changelog


  • Requirements to domain names in domain-specific upstream configurations have been relaxed to meet those from RFC 3696 (#4884).

  • Panic when using unencrypted DNS-over-HTTPS (#5518).

AdGuard Home v0.107.25

21 Feb 12:30
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This is a hotfix release to prevent panics when using unencrypted DNS-over-HTTP, which affected people running AdGuard Home behind an HTTP reverse proxy.

Full changelog

See also the v0.107.25 GitHub milestone.


  • Panic when using unencrypted DNS-over-HTTPS (#5518).

AdGuard Home v0.108.0-b.27

16 Feb 16:40
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Changes compared to the previous beta, v0.108.0-b.26. See for all changes.

Full changelog


  • Go version has been updated, both because Go 1.18 has reached end of life and to prevent the possibility of exploiting the Go vulnerabilities fixed in Go 1.19.6.


  • The ability to disable statistics by using the new statistics.enabled field. Previously it was necessary to set the statistics_interval to 0, losing the previous value (#1717, #4299).

  • The ability to exclude domain names from the query log or statistics by using the new querylog.ignored or statistics.ignored fields (#1717, #4299). The UI changes are coming in the upcoming releases.


Configuration Changes

In this release, the schema version has changed from 14 to 16.

  • Property statistics_interval, which in schema versions 15 and earlier used to be a part of the dns object, is now a part of the statistics object:

    # BEFORE:
      'statistics_interval': 1
    # AFTER:
      'interval': 1

    To rollback this change, move the property back into the dns object and change the schema_version back to 15.

  • The fields dns.querylog_enabled, dns.querylog_file_enabled, dns.querylog_interval, and dns.querylog_size_memory have been moved to the new querylog object.

    # BEFORE:
      'querylog_enabled': true
      'querylog_file_enabled': true
      'querylog_interval': '2160h'
      'querylog_size_memory': 1000
    # AFTER:
      'enabled': true
      'file_enabled': true
      'interval': '2160h'
      'size_memory': 1000

    To rollback this change, rename and move properties back into the dns object, remove querylog object and querylog.ignored property, and change the schema_version back to 14.


  • Go 1.19 support. Future versions will require at least Go 1.20 to build.


  • Failing service installation via script on FreeBSD (#5431).

  • Setting the AD (Authenticated Data) flag on responses that have the DO (DNSSEC OK) flag set but not the AD flag (#5479).

  • Client names resolved via reverse DNS not being updated (#4939).

  • The icon for League Of Legends on the Blocked services page (#5433).


  • Go 1.18 support, as it has reached end of life.

AdGuard Home v0.107.24

15 Feb 17:31
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Ignoring talkative colleagues can be tough in real life 🤫. Fortunately, there are more options in the digital world. This new release of AdGuard Home adds a way to exclude certain hostnames from the query log and statistics, which can help with devices and apps that like to talk too much.

Full changelog

See also the v0.107.24 GitHub milestone.


  • Go version has been updated, both because Go 1.18 has reached end of life and to prevent the possibility of exploiting the Go vulnerabilities fixed in Go 1.19.6.


  • The ability to disable statistics by using the new statistics.enabled field. Previously it was necessary to set the statistics_interval to 0, losing the previous value (#1717, #4299).

  • The ability to exclude domain names from the query log or statistics by using the new querylog.ignored or statistics.ignored fields (#1717, #4299). The UI changes are coming in the upcoming releases.


Configuration Changes

In this release, the schema version has changed from 14 to 16.

  • Property statistics_interval, which in schema versions 15 and earlier used to be a part of the dns object, is now a part of the statistics object:

    # BEFORE:
      'statistics_interval': 1
    # AFTER:
      'interval': 1

    To rollback this change, move the property back into the dns object and change the schema_version back to 15.

  • The fields dns.querylog_enabled, dns.querylog_file_enabled, dns.querylog_interval, and dns.querylog_size_memory have been moved to the new querylog object.

    # BEFORE:
      'querylog_enabled': true
      'querylog_file_enabled': true
      'querylog_interval': '2160h'
      'querylog_size_memory': 1000
    # AFTER:
      'enabled': true
      'file_enabled': true
      'interval': '2160h'
      'size_memory': 1000

    To rollback this change, rename and move properties back into the dns object, remove querylog object and querylog.ignored property, and change the schema_version back to 14.


  • Go 1.19 support. Future versions will require at least Go 1.20 to build.


  • Setting the AD (Authenticated Data) flag on responses that have the DO (DNSSEC OK) flag set but not the AD flag (#5479).

  • Client names resolved via reverse DNS not being updated (#4939).

  • The icon for League Of Legends on the Blocked services page (#5433).


  • Go 1.18 support, as it has reached end of life.