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  • This repository contains projects on ML Classification and Regression
  • Classification:- classification is the problem of identifying to which of a set of categories (sub-populations) a new observation belongs, on the basis of a training set of data containing observations (or instances) whose category membership is known.
  • Ex. Prediction of heart disease( Yes or No)


  • Regression:- In statistical modeling, regression analysis is a set of statistical processes for estimating the relationships between a dependent variable (often called the 'outcome variable') and one or more independent variables (often called 'predictors', 'covariates', or 'features').
  • Ex. Prediction of number (price prediction)


Repository Guide:-

Here is list for every project in this repository and link to introduction of project



Tools And Workflow:-


  • Collect Data
  • Exploratory Data Analysis:- (with visualization)
  • Feature Engineering:-
  • Handle missing values and Categorical Features - sklearn
  • Outlier's (depending on which model to use)
  • Feature Scaling (depending on model)
  • Split data
  • Feature selection:-
  • Building model
  • Predict on test set
  • Build web-app Flask, HTML5, CSS3 or Streamlit
  • Deploy on cloud

Project Introduction's:-(for detail discription visit respective project)


Telco Churn Predictor

  • This project is to predict if customer will leave telco or not, using machine learning
  • In this we used XGBoost classifier to predict it and got 78.64 accuracy
  • by using gamma=0, learning_rate=0.1, max_depth=4, reg_lambda=10, scale_pos_weight=2, subsample=0.9, colsample_bytree=0.5, which we got by hyperparameter tunning XGBClassifier

Heart Disease Predictor

  • On basis of person's health records predict if person have heart disease or not
  • In this we used 4 different models to see initial accuracy (ie. SVM, RandomForestClassifier, Adaboost, KNN)
  • Out of this we we picked top two for hypertunning( RandomForest and Adaboost) and Adaboost got 91% accuracy_score

Titanic Survial Predictor

  • This project is to predict the passangers in titanic will survive or not on the basis of given data.
  • In this notebook we've used Random Forest,KNN and GradientBoost classifier and got better accuracy on these top 2 models i.e.GradientBoostClassifier and RandomForestlassifier.
  • After Hypertunning got an accuracy 78.73% for Gradient Boosting.
  • Hypertunnig parameters for GBC learning_rate= 0.01, max_depth= 4, max_features= 16, min_samples_leaf= 1, min_samples_split=20, n_estimators= 500.


Bulldozer Price Predictor

  • Prediction of sale price of bulldozer on basis of its specifications like year made, productSize and 50 more features
  • Here we used RandomForestRegressor and got pretty good score of 85% r^2
  • so after hypertuning we got best_params n_estimators=90, min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=14,max_features=0.5, n_jobs=-1, max_samples=None
  • with this we got 95% and 88% r^2 on train and test set respectively
  • Get source code Visit

House Price Predictor

  • Prediction of House price on basis of features of house
  • Here we used Lasso, randomforest and XGBoost for initial r^2 score
  • Then we hypertuined XGB cause it had bit more r^2 and got gamma= 0, learning_rate= 0.05, max_depth =6, reg_lambda= 0, subsample=0.9, colsample_bytree=0.5
  • with this params I got 98% and 85% r^2 on train and validation set respectively
  • Get source code Visit

Flight Fare Prediction

  • Predicting fare of flight based on given information
  • Trained Lasso, Gradient Bosst, Random Forest on full data
  • Random forest had best 80 r2 so took this for hyperparameter tuning got 83 r2
  • Using Flask with help of html5-css3 built web-app and Deployed on Heroku
  • To view demo of web app visit