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Book Store is a simple single page application (SPA) that lets you buy, rate and leave your comment for all the books that are available in the store. You can also see all of your purchased books history or create your own favorite books list. Tech

Book Store uses a number of open source projects to work:

MongoDB - Free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database
Mongoose - Elegant MongoDB object modeling for NodeJS
NodeJS - Evented I/O for the backend
ExpressJS - Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for NodeJS
JSONWebToken - Used for authorization
Angular - Platform that makes it easy to build applications with the web

The goal of this project is to show the core concepts of building SPA with ExpressJS and Angular. In this project I've used:

Wrapped each major feature into a module
Lazy-loading for most of the modules so the app can start faster
Preload lazy-loaded modules after the app starts so they can be ready for use as soon as possible
Shared module for compoennts, directives and pipes that can be imported into any feature module
Services for each major feature
Guards to prevent unauthorized users to view routes that require authentication or admin rights
Interceptors for attaching JWT token to the request headers, showing notifications from the server response and error handling
Custom directives
Custom pipes
TypeScript models
Reactive forms for handling user input


Book Store requires

MongoDB v3.6+
NodeJS v8+

To start the database (port: 27017): Install MongoDB, open new cmd window (in project root) and run

$ cd server $ start-mongodb

To add initial seeding: (do this step once only the first time you start the app) After you start MondoDB open new cmd window (in project root) and run

$ cd server $ seedBooks

To start the server (port: 8000): open new cmd window (in project root) and run

$ cd server $ npm install (if you havent already installed the dependencies) $ npm start

To start the client (port: 4200): open new cmd window (in project root) and run

$ cd client $ npm install (if you havent already installed the dependencies) $ ng serve


Anonymous users
    View all books
    View books details, rating and comments

Authenticated users
    Buy books
    Rate books
    Comment books
    View user profiles
    View his own purchases history
    Create favorite books list
    Can change his own avatar

Admin users
    Add books to the store
    Edit books
    Delete books
    Edit/Delete offensive user comments
    Block/Unblock user from commenting
    Change unappropriate user avatars


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