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Release 0.2.0

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@amadeus-zte amadeus-zte released this 20 Nov 22:57
· 145 commits to master since this release

Release Date: 2020-11-20
Compatibility: The functional interfaces of Adlik r0.2 are compatible with r0.1.

Feature List

New Model Compiler

  1. Support DAG generation for end-to-end compilation of models with different representation.
  2. Source representation: H5, Ckpt, Pb, Pth, Onnx and SavedModel.
  3. Target representation: SavedModel, OpenVINO IR, TensorRT Plan and Tflite.
  4. Support model quantization for TfLite and TensorRT.
  5. Int8 quantization for TfLite.
  6. Int8 and fp16 quantization for TensorRT.

Inference Engine

  1. Support hybrid scheduling of ML and DL inference jobs.
  2. Support image based deployment of Adlik compiler and inference engine in cloud native environment.
  3. Deployment and functions has been tested in docker (V19.03.12) and Kubernetes (V1.13).
  4. Support Adlik running in RaspberryPi and JetsonNano.
  5. Support the newest version of OpenVINO (2021.1.110) and TensorFlow (2.3.1).

Benchmark Test

  1. Support benchmark test for models including ResNet-50, Inception V3, Yolo V3 and Bert with 4 devices and 5 runtimes
    supported by Adlik.

Fixed issues