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Releases: Adnuntius/ios_sdk

Fix viewable / visible calculation for Table views thanks to Rainer Grinninger

15 Sep 22:35
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Rainer Grinninger (rgrinnin) discovered that the viewable / visible events were not working for UI Table Views for their application. Rainer provided a PR to fix the issue and this release is that PR.

Fix random double to int conversion crash when using updateView

22 Aug 01:08
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A customer reported random crashes when returning to the app from background with the error:

Swift runtime failure: Double value cannot be converted to Int because it is either infinite or NaN

Minor performance improvement for updateView and a few fixes

28 Jul 08:25
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Once both visible and viewable events have been fired, updateView will bail out early.
The deprecated loadAd function was still generating visible and viewable events which was a mistake.
A few fixes to docs.

Delayed Visible and Viewable Event support

28 Jul 04:31
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Until this release, the SDK would generate visible and viewable events as soon as the ad was rendered. There was no way to change this, with this release we have added the capability to delay generating these events.

IMPORTANT: By default beginning with SDK 1.10.0 calling loadAd(request, handler) will result in no visible or viewable events being triggered at all. This is different to the previous default behaviour. You can restore the original behaviour by using a new loadAd variant with delayViewEvents: false

To make viewable / visible events work correctly, each AdnuntiusAdWebView must know whether its visible and how much of the ad is showing before it can generate visible and viewable events. This is facilitated by your client code calling the new updateView(UIScrollView) function. Initially only support for applications which make use of UIScrollView or UITableView is provided. if you have a case which is not catered for by this new updateView function, you can raise a support issue or raise a PR to add it!

More information on this feature:


The following AdnuntiusAdWebView function has been deprecated:

  • open func loadAd(_ config: AdRequest, completionHandler: AdLoadCompletionHandler, adnSdkHandler: AdnSdkHandler? = nil) -> Bool

You should migrate your code to use the new loadAd(_ request: AdRequest, _ handler: LoadAdHandler)

The LoadAdHandler protocol is a merging of the AdLoadCompletionHandler and AdnSdkHandler and is quite easy to migrate. All functions in the LoadAdHandler are optional.

The AdLoadCompletionHandler onFailure and onNoAdResponse are exactly the same in the new protocol.
The AdnSdkHandler onClose function is now onLayoutCloseView.
The onAdResponse now passes an AdResponseInfo class instead of the individual width and height. The equivalent values from the AdResponseInfo class are definedWidth and definedHeight.


The following long deprecated AdnuntiusAdWebView functions have been removed:

  • open func loadAd(_ config: [String: Any], completionHandler: AdLoadCompletionHandler) -> Bool
  • open func loadFromConfig(_ config: [String: Any], completionHandler: AdLoadCompletionHandler, adnSdkHandler: AdnSdkHandler? = nil) -> Bool

Extra checks around accessing data from javascript callback

21 Jul 23:16
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Enable debugging of more of the javascript callbacks

Some changes to the way sizing of ads is derived

21 Jul 08:36
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Merge pull request #21 from Adnuntius/jp_provide_width_height_more_re…


some refactoring and cleanup to get the width and height from defined…

Fix Swift Packages issue

21 Jul 08:35
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Merge pull request #20 from Adnuntius/release184

release with fix for loading from swift packages


24 May 00:04
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Some cleanups to the javascript scaffolding to bring it closer to how the Android SDK is used, and removed some obselete code.
Added a very simple AdClient http client for testing only.

Fixing Swift breaking change in 1.8.1

26 Jan 02:33
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Swift supports method overloading so no need for breaking change introduced in 1.8.0. Unfortunately Objective-C does not support method overloading so breaking change for 1.8.0+ still applies.

New AdRequest config class

26 Jan 00:21
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Use class for config rather than a dictionary to make validation and addition of new functionality easier

Deprecated methods removed

  • The loadFromConfig(_ config: [String: Any], completionHandler: AdLoadCompletionHandler) -> Bool method has been removed.
  • The loadFromApi(_ config: [String: Any], completionHandler: AdLoadCompletionHandler) -> Bool method has been removed.

Objective-C Only - Method renamed and deprecated

The loadAd method that accepts a [String: Any] dictionary has been renamed to loadFromConfig

The migration is very simple, from a line like this:

bool configResult = [self.adView loadAd:config completionHandler:self adnSdkHandler:nil];

To this:

bool configResult = [self.adView loadFromConfig:config completionHandler:self adnSdkHandler:nil];

New AdRequest config Method

A new loadAd method that accepts a AdRequest method instead of a [String: Any] array.
To migrate your code you need to migrate your [String: Any] dictionary to an instance of AdRequest object.

See below for a sample migration for both Swift and Objective-C


The deprecated dictionary format:

let config = [
            "userId": globalUserId,
            "sessionId": sessionId,
            "adUnits": [
                    "auId": "000000000006f450"  , "kv": ["version": ["6s", "X"]]
            "useCookies": false
        ] as [String : Any]

Gets converted to AdRequest:

let adRequest = AdRequest("000000000006f450")
adRequest.keyValue("version", "6s")
adRequest.keyValue("version", "X")


The deprecated dictionary format:

NSDictionary* config = @{
        @"adUnits" : @[
                    @"auId":adId, @"auH":@200, @"kv": @{@"version" : @[@"6s", @"X"]}
        @"useCookies": @false,
        @"userId": globalUserId,
        @"sessionId": sessionId,
        @"consentString": @"some consent string"

Gets converted to AdRequest:

AdRequest *adRequest = [[AdRequest alloc] init:@"000000000006f450"];
[adRequest height:@"480"];
[adRequest useCookies:true];
[adRequest userId:globalUserId];
[adRequest sessionId:sessionId];
[adRequest consentString:@"some consent string"];
[adRequest keyValue:@"version" :@"6s"];
[adRequest keyValue:@"version" :@"X"];