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Create custom cursors with integrated animated props.


# Install package
npm install @adoratorio/apollo


Since this package has a pkg.module field, it’s highly recommended to import it as an ES6 module with some bundlers like webpack or rollup:

import Apollo from '@adoratorio/apollo';
const apollo = new Apollo({ });

If you are not using any bundlers, you can just load the UMD bundle:

<script src="/apollo/umd/index.js"></script>
<script>var apollo = window.Apollo({ });</script>

Available options

Medusa accept in the constructor and option object with the following possible props.

parameter type default description
cursor HTMLElement '.apollo__cursor' The HTML element reiceving the transforms to follow the mouse
props Array<PropertyDescriptor> [] An array of Propery Descriptors to define wich props will be animated, a timeline will be created for each prop
easing Easing { mode: Apollo.EASING.CUBIC, duration: 1000 } An easing object used to describe the cursor element aniamtion
target Array<TargetDescriptor> [] An array of Targets to describe witch elements will trigger an event when the mouse pass hover or out it
hiddenUntilFirstInteraction boolean false If you want to keep the cursor element invisibile until the first valid user interaction is performed
initialPosition Vec2 { x: 0, y: 0 } A Two components (x, y) vector to determinate the strarting position of the cursor element
detectTouch boolean true If the touch events counts as valid interaction to evaluate a new cursor position
emitGlobal boolean true If a global event is fired on window on items over or out
aion Aion new Aion() An Aion instance to be used as engine, if not submitted one will be created for you
renderByPixel boolean false If values rounding is used before applying styles


Targets are the interaction core, having callback and event on hover and leave of the element, you can define targets passing target descriptors to the constructor or using the dedicated method

apolloInstance.addTarget(targets Array<TargetDescriptor>)

Anytime an element in target is hovered or leaved a global event is emitted (if the emitGlobal option is set to true). Emitted events are

name when
apollo-mouse-enter When the mouse pointer enter a target
apollo-cursor-enter When the cursor element enter a target
apollo-mouse-leave When the mouse pointer leave a target
apollo-cursor-leave When the cursor element enter a target

Having TargetDescriptor defined as follow

parameter type descriptor
id string The id of the target, used to identify the target
elements Array<HTMLElement> The HTMLElements array used to detect hover and leave
offset { x: number, y: number } The offset that will trigger hover and leave on elements
callback Function Callback function for hover and leave
checkVisibility Boolean If you need to test the element visibility before triggering hover

You can animate some css, attributes or js values of the DOM cursor element, or any other DOM element actually, by passing in a property descriptor in the props array parameter in constructor or adding a prop with the dedicated method.

apolloInstance.addProperties(props : Array<PropertyDescriptor>)

Then when you need to update the value and make apollo to ease from the actual value to the newly setted one simply get the property and change its value like so

apolloInstance.getProperty(id : string).value = value : any;

Having the PropertyDescriptor defined ad follow

parameter type descriptor
id string The id that will be used to identify the property when accessing it
key string The key that will be used when rendering the animation, for example translateX
type string Determins how the property will be used when rendering can be Aplllo.PROPERTY_TYPE.TYPELESS or Apollo.PROPERTY_TYPE.STYLE or Apollo.PROPERTY_TYPE.TRANSFORM or Apollo.PROPERTY_TYPE.ATTRIBUTE
target Element The DOM element used as target for rendering, not needed if prop is typeless
suffix string The suffix string used to render css props or transform will be applied in the form of ${value}${suffix}
easing { mode: Function, duration: number } The easing descriptor used to ease between values
initial number The starting value for the property
precision number Number of digits used to round the final rendered value

Each property exposes two additional methods: play and pause. Usable as follow

apolloInstance.getProperty('prop_id').play(resumeValue? : number);

Watch out: if the current target of the prop is the cursor element itself and you are animating the translateX or translateY transform you need to call apolloInstance.stopMouseTracking() and later when you need to start the mouse following again apolloInstance.startMouseTracking().

Anyway this is not an actual animation engine, is used just to update some props around the cursor in a specific way avoiding the necessity to build a complete animation system. If you need more than this a complex animation system is required maybe with some animation frameworks.


A JS library for custom cursor






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