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Reimplemented edit advice method
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AdrYne01 committed Apr 14, 2024
1 parent eb3b2c7 commit a1e26c0
Showing 1 changed file with 85 additions and 69 deletions.
154 changes: 85 additions & 69 deletions app/controllers/advice_controller.rb
@@ -1,70 +1,86 @@
class AdviceController < ApplicationController
# Advice_controller first checks whether current user has TA privileges or not by implementing action_allowed? method. Secondly it sets the number of advices based on score and sort it in descending order. Then it checks four conditions for the advices.
# 1. If number of advices is not equal to given advices
# 2. If the sorted advices is empty
# 3. If first advice score of sorted advices is NOT equal to max score
# 4. If last advice score of sorted advices is NOT equal to min score
# If any of the above condition are True, the edit_advice method calls adjust_advice_size of the QuestionnaireHelper class which adjust the advice sizes accordingly.
# In the end, save_advice method is called which updates and saves the changes in the advices and displays the success/failure message.

include AuthorizationHelper
# If current user is TA then only current user can edit and update the advice
def action_allowed?

# checks whether the advices for a question in questionnaire have valid attributes
# return true if the number of advices and their scores are invalid, else returns false
def invalid_advice?(sorted_advice, num_advices, question)
return ((question.question_advices.length != num_advices) ||
sorted_advice.empty? ||
(sorted_advice[0].score != @questionnaire.max_question_score) ||
(sorted_advice[sorted_advice.length - 1].score != @questionnaire.min_question_score))

# Modify the advice associated with a questionnaire
def edit_advice
# Stores the questionnaire with given id in URL
@questionnaire = Questionnaire.find(params[:id])

# For each question in a questionnaire, this method adjusts the advice size if the advice size is <,> number of advices or
# the max or min score of the advices does not correspond to the max or min score of questionnaire respectively.
@questionnaire.questions.each do |question|
# if the question is a scored question, store the number of advices corresponding to that question (max_score - min_score), else 0
num_advices = if question.is_a?(ScoredQuestion)
@questionnaire.max_question_score - @questionnaire.min_question_score + 1

# sorting question advices in descending order by score
sorted_advice = question.question_advices.sort_by { |x| x.score }.reverse

# Checks the condition for adjusting the advice size
if invalid_advice?(sorted_advice, num_advices, question)
# The number of advices for this question has changed.
QuestionnaireHelper.adjust_advice_size(@questionnaire, question)

# save the advice for a questionnaire
def save_advice
# Stores the questionnaire with given id in URL
@questionnaire = Questionnaire.find(params[:id])
# checks if advice is present or not
unless params[:advice].nil?
params[:advice].keys.each do |advice_key|
# Updates the advice corresponding to the key
QuestionAdvice.update(advice_key, advice: params[:advice][advice_key.to_sym][:advice])
flash[:notice] = 'The advice was successfully saved!'
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
# If record not found, redirects to edit_advice
render action: 'edit_advice', id: params[:id]
redirect_to action: 'edit_advice', id: params[:id]
class AdviceController < ApplicationController
# Advice_controller first checks whether current user has TA privileges or not by implementing action_allowed? method. Secondly it sets the number of advices based on score and sort it in descending order. Then it checks four conditions for the advices.
# 1. If number of advices is not equal to given advices
# 2. If the sorted advices is empty
# 3. If first advice score of sorted advices is NOT equal to max score
# 4. If last advice score of sorted advices is NOT equal to min score
# If any of the above condition are True, the edit_advice method calls adjust_advice_size of the QuestionnaireHelper class which adjust the advice sizes accordingly.
# In the end, save_advice method is called which updates and saves the changes in the advices and displays the success/failure message.

include AuthorizationHelper
# If current user is TA then only current user can edit and update the advice
def action_allowed?

# checks whether the advices for a question in questionnaire have valid attributes
# return true if the number of advices and their scores are invalid, else returns false
def invalid_advice?(sorted_advice, num_advices, question)
return ((question.question_advices.length != num_advices) ||
sorted_advice.empty? ||
(sorted_advice[0].score != @questionnaire.max_question_score) ||
(sorted_advice[sorted_advice.length - 1].score != @questionnaire.min_question_score))

# Modify the advice associated with a questionnaire
# Separate methods were introduced to calculate the number of advices and sort the advices related to the current question attribute
# This is done to adhere to Single Responsibility Principle
def edit_advice
# Stores the questionnaire with given id in URL
@questionnaire = Questionnaire.find(params[:id])

# For each question in a questionnaire, this method adjusts the advice size if the advice size is <,> number of advices or
# the max or min score of the advices does not correspond to the max or min score of questionnaire respectively.
@questionnaire.questions.each do |question|
# if the question is a scored question, store the number of advices corresponding to that question (max_score - min_score), else 0
# # Call to a separate method to adhere to Single Responsibility Principle
num_advices = calculate_num_advices(question)

# sorting question advices in descending order by score
# Call to a separate method to adhere to Single Responsibility Principle
sorted_advice = sort_question_advices(question)

# Checks the condition for adjusting the advice size
if invalid_advice?(sorted_advice, num_advices, question)
# The number of advices for this question has changed.
QuestionnaireHelper.adjust_advice_size(@questionnaire, question)

# Function to calculate number of advices for the current question attribute based on max and min question score.
# Method name is consistent with the functionality
def calculate_num_advices(question)
if question.is_a?(ScoredQuestion)
@questionnaire.max_question_score - @questionnaire.min_question_score + 1

# Function to sort question advices related to the current question attribute
# While sorting questions, sort_by(&:score) is used instead of using a block. It is a shorthand notation and avoids creating a new Proc object for every element in the collection of the questions.
def sort_question_advices(question)

# save the advice for a questionnaire
def save_advice
# Stores the questionnaire with given id in URL
@questionnaire = Questionnaire.find(params[:id])
# checks if advice is present or not
unless params[:advice].nil?
params[:advice].keys.each do |advice_key|
# Updates the advice corresponding to the key
QuestionAdvice.update(advice_key, advice: params[:advice][advice_key.to_sym][:advice])
flash[:notice] = 'The advice was successfully saved!'
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
# If record not found, redirects to edit_advice
render action: 'edit_advice', id: params[:id]
redirect_to action: 'edit_advice', id: params[:id]

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