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Axe.Windows - automation reference

Note: The following documentation describes the supported API provided by Axe.Windows. There are other, public interfaces and classes in various assemblies throughout the package; however, please be aware that interfaces and classes not described in this document are not supported and may change at any time.

Class details


static ForProcessId

Create the builder for the config for the specified process.


The ForProcessId method accepts the following parameters:

Name Type Description
processId int The process Id of the application to test. If the value is invalid, the automation session will throw an AxeWindowsAutomationException.
Return object

The ForProcessId method returns an instance of Config.Builder.


Specify the type(s) of output files you wish AxeWindows to create.

The OutputFileFormat enum currently defines the following values:

Name Description
None Create no output files.
A11yTest Create output files which can be opened using Accessibility Insights for Windows.

The WithOutputFileFormat method accepts the following parameters:

Name Type Description
format OutputFileFormat The type(s) of output files you wish AxeWindows to create. No output files will be created if this is left unspecified or 0 errors are found. The default value is None.
Return object

The WithOutputFileFormat method returns the Config.Builder configured with the specified format.


Specify the directory where any output files should be written.


The WithOutputDirectory method accepts the following parameters:

Name Type Description
directory string The directory where any output files should be written; is not used if output file format is None. Output files will be created in the current directory under folder AxeWindowsOutputFiles if left unspecified.
Return object

The WithOutputDirectory method returns the Config.Builder configured with the specified output directory.


Build an instance of Config.


The Build method accepts no parameters.

Return object

The Build method returns an instance of Config with any modifications made through the Config.Builder.



Create an object that implements IScanner using an instance of Config.


The ScannerFactory.CreateScanner method accepts the following parameters:

Name Type Description
config Config The configuration used by the returned IScanner object.
Return object

The ScannerFactory.CreateScanner method returns an IScanner object.



The Scan runs AxeWindows automated tests using the config provided at the time of creation of the scanner.


The Scan method accepts 0 or 1 parameters.

Name Type Description
scanId string A string identifier for the scan. If the scan produces output files based on the Config object used to create the scanner, the output files will be given the name of the scan id (e.g., MyScanId.a11ytest).
Return object

The Scan method returns a ScanResults object and has the following properties:

Name Type Description
ErrorCount int A count of all errors across all elements scanned.
Errors IEnumerable<ScanResult> A collection of errors found during the scan.
OutputFile OutputFile Represents the output file(s), if any, associated with a ScanResults object.

The OutputFile property is a struct with the following properties:

Name Type Description
A11yTest string The path to the A11yTest file that was generated (or null if no file was generated).
Sarif string The path to the Sarif file that was generated (or null if no file was generated).

The Errors property contains ScanResult objects which are the result of a single rule test on a single element and have the following properties:

Name Type Description
Rule RuleInfo Information about the rule (description, how to fix information, etc.) that was evaluated on the element.
Element ElementInfo The element which was tested against the rule.

RuleInfo contains the following properties:

Name Type Description
ID RuleId Contains a unique identifier for the rule from the RuleId enumeration.
Description string Contains a short description of the rule.
HowToFix string Detailed information on how to resolve a violation reported by the rule.
Standard A11yCriteriaId The A11yCriteriaId enumeration identifies the standards documentation from which the rule was derived.
PropertyID int In cases where the rule tests one specific UI Automation property, this contains the UI Automation property ID in question. This property is used to link elements with rule violations to relevant documentation.
Condition string A description of the conditions under which a rule will be evaluated.

ElementInfo contains the following properties:

Name Type Description
Properties Dictionary<string, string> A string to string dictionary where the key is a UI Automation property name and the value is the corresponding UI Automation property value.
Patterns IEnumerable<string> A list of names of supported patterns.

Using the assembly

You can get the files via a NuGet package; configure NuGet to retrieve the Axe.Windows package from, then use the classes in the Axe.Windows.Automation namespace (see example below):

  • Prerequisite: Your project must be able to use .NET Standard 2.0 libraries.
  • If you’re using NuGet, add the appropriate feed to your project.
  • Add using Axe.Windows.Automation; to your code.
  • Follow the steps in How To Run An Automated Scan.


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using Axe.Windows.Automation;

    namespace AxeWindowsDemo
        class Program
            /// <summary>
            /// This is a quick and easy demo of the automation code
            /// </summary>
            static void Main(string[] args)
                string testAppPath = Path.GetFullPath(@"..\myApplication.exe");
                string outputDir = Path.GetFullPath(@".\TestOutput");
                Process testProcess = Process.Start(testAppPath);
                var config = Config.Builder.ForProcessId(testProcess.Id)

                var scanner = ScannerFactory.CreateScanner(config);

                    var output = scanner.Scan();
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, output.ErrorCount);
                catch(AxeWindowsAutomationException e)
                    var errorMessage = e.toString();


Error handling

AxeWindowsAutomationException is thrown for all unhandled errors in Axe.Windows.Automation. If an exception was thrown from code not owned by Axe.Windows.Automation, that exception will be wrapped in the Exception.InnerException property.

Fully synchronous

Because automated scans are stateful, they are intentionally synchronous within a process. If you attempt to initiate multiple scans concurrently, the first one to obtain the lock will execute, then another, then another. This is by design and is not expected to change at any future time. If you have a scenario that truly requires the command to execute in parallel, then you will need to create a solution where you can make those calls from separate processes.