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Main repository for Group Project 1 for Data Structures and Algorithms (CCDSALG). This project aims to compare the efficiency and asymptotic bounds of several sorting algorithms.

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CCDSALG Project 1


  • [COMPLETE] Identify 2 more sorting algorithms
  • [COMPLETE] Assign Algorithms to Group Members
  • [COMPLETE] Research Code Snippets & Study Their Implementation
  • [COMPLETE] Modify Source Codes As Specified
  • [COMPLETE] Testing Phase
  • [ONGOING] Documentation

Testing Phase

Testing phase is currently ongoing. If you wish to also do some testing, you may download the executable binary file from Github's releases section. Great work!

Test Status

  • [Main System] : Crashed via Segmentation Fault at 2 Million (August 19, 2020) : Finished until 1 million
  • [Backup 1] : Restarted (11:45 PM - August 16, 2020) - Currently at N = 1 million
  • [Backup 2] : Standby

Testing Guidelines

The driver code is setup to run the test automatically, using the settings for CCDSALG specifications (N from 1024 to 500k; M = 12). Results are automatically calculated and tallied to a CSV file named "OutputData.csv". It is incredibly important to note that the file must be renamed before every test. Every test is automated. Once it starts, there is no need for any user input.

Testing Duration

The test might last a maximum of one entire week. Having M = 20 and N = 2 million took about 7 days (bubble sort & quick sort). With the addition of all the sorting algortihms, there is a possibility that testing would take the same time or even longer, even with reduced N and M values.

Testing Machine Specifications

Main Testing System - DigitalOcean Server Droplet

Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
CPU: 2 KVM Virtualized Cores
Memory: 2GB RAM
Storage: SSD

Backup Testing System 1 - Raspberry Pi 3

Operating System: Raspbian Jessie (Debian Based)
CPU: ARM64 Based Processor (Quad Core)
Memory: Onboard 4GB RAM
Storage: 64GB Class 10 SD Card

Backup Testing System 2 (Last Resort) - Custom PC

Operating System: Windows 10
CPU: AMD A10 - 4 Cores 8 Threads
Memory: 8GB HyperX DDR3
Storage: 4TB SATA HDD


Main repository for Group Project 1 for Data Structures and Algorithms (CCDSALG). This project aims to compare the efficiency and asymptotic bounds of several sorting algorithms.







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