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This Helm chart will deploy a hardened nginx instance.


Check the values.yaml file for all available configuration values.

Variable Description Default
replicaCount The number of nginx replicas to run 1
image.repository The repository containing the nginx image krewh/hardened-nginx
image.tag The docker image tag to deploy 1.1.1
image.pullPolicy The image pull policy IfNotPresent
imagePullSecrets The configuration for imagePullSecrets []
serviceAccount.create Set to true to create a service account false The name for the service account. Automatically generated if not set. nil
podSecurityContext The pod security context {}
securityContext The security context {}
livenessProbe LivenessProbe configuration {httpGet: {path: /, scheme: HTTPS, port: https},initialDelaySeconds: 10,periodSeconds: 10}
readinessProbe RedinessProbe configuration {httpGet: {path: /, scheme: HTTPS, port: https},initialDelaySeconds: 5,periodSeconds: 2}
serverBlock Nginx server block configuration See values.yaml
initContainers init containers for the nginx pod {}
volumeMounts Volume to mount on the nginx container {}
volumes Volumes for the pod {}
service.type Type of service to create for the Web interface ClusterIP
service.port The port on which the SMTP service should listen 443
ingress.enabled Set to true to enable ingress false
ingress.annotations Annotations for ingress {}
ingress.hosts Hosts to configure for ingress []
ingress.tls TLS configuration for ingress []
ressources Allows you to set the resources for the Deployment {}
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
tolerations Node taints to tolerate []
affinity Node/pod affinities {}


Add repository

Follow instructions at


helm install adrienkuhn-helm-repo/nginx \
 --name nginx \
 --namespace nginx