An interactive visual tool for time series analysis.
Publication: Sarkar, Advait, Martin Spott, Alan F. Blackwell, and Mateja Jamnik. "Visual discovery and model-driven explanation of time series patterns." In Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC), 2016 IEEE Symposium on, pp. 78-86. IEEE, 2016.
Last updated April 2017, for v0.7
- Under the gathering strategy, there is a new option 'Greedy imperfect seed' that is even faster and gives near-identical results.
- For large datasets (e.g., around 3k or more rows) , unchecking "precompute distances" actually makes it faster because storing and retrieving from an n^2 distance matrix in memory becomes slower than just recomputing the distances on demand.
- Gathering now works for quite large datasets (I think I have tried with up to 30k rows) You must uncheck "precompute distances". It can be very slow though (e.g., several minutes). If you keep the Chrome console open (View > Developer > Javascript console) then you can see whether gathering has crashed or is still running because I output status update messages from time to time.
- Zooming on very large datasets will break, because Chrome has a maximum canvas size. It is very irritating that this bottleneck exists but I think it will require too much engineering to fix at this point.
FILE FORMATS: The file formats are very simple. The series data is a comma-separated file with each line containing one time series. There is no header line.
The series attributes is a comma-separated file with each line containing the attributes for the time series. There must be a header line containing the names of attributes. Therefore, the Nth line of the attributes file provides the attributes for the N-1th line of the series data file.
The CSV parsing, if I remember correctly, ignores any quote qualification. So if the actual values in your dataset contain commas, then you'll have to substitute them with some other character, otherwise the tool will break.