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Network Programming Workspace

This workspace contains various examples of network programming in C. Here's a brief overview of the main directories and files:

  • BasicClient: Contains basic client-server communication code. See client.c and server.c.
  • BasicNetworkProgramming: Contains code for a server that reverses a string sent by a client. See server.c.
  • CaseChangeServerClient: Contains client-server communication code. See client.c and server.c.
  • network_programming: Contains code for a server that performs arithmetic operations sent by a client. See server.c.
  • SquareNumberServerClient: Contains client-server communication code. See client.c and server.c.
  • TimeRequestServerClient: Contains code for a server that sends the current time to a client upon request. See server.c.

Individual Files:

  • client_socket_communication.c: Contains code for a client that sends a message to a server and receives a response. See client_socket_communication.c.
  • client_socket.c: Contains client socket communication code. See client_socket.c.
  • client.c: Contains client communication code. See client.c.
  • echo_server_multi_client.c: Contains code for an echo server that can handle multiple clients. See echo_server_multi_client.c.
  • icmp_flood.c: Contains code for an ICMP flood attack. See icmp_flood.c.
  • multi_client_server.c: Contains code for a server that can handle multiple clients. See multi_client_server.c.
  • raw_socket.c: Contains code for raw socket communication. See raw_socket.c.
  • server_socket_communication.c: Contains server socket communication code. See server_socket_communication.c.

Building and Running

Each .c file can be compiled using gcc and run from the command line. For example, to compile and run client.c, you would use:

gcc client.c -o client

Please replace client.c and client with the appropriate file and output names for other files.


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