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Transpiler for the WitcherScript Superset language called cahirc. Brings generics, lambdas, closures, macros and more to witcherscript


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Transpiler for the WitcherScript superset cahirc

The goal of this project is to offer a basic compiler (more of a transpiler) that takes as input .wss files and converts them into .ws files. This allows the use of new features available to wss that get converted to valid witcherscript code.

Main features & goals

  • Generics, with mangled names to allow use of wss libraries
  • Conditional compilation
  • unstable: Macros, support for recursive macros (macros that generate calls to macros)
  • loops
  • Constant primitive variables in the global scope (macro constants)
  • Lambdas, can be achieved with & without macros. Lambdas can be stored in variables as well
  • Closures (requires static analysis to be enabled)
  • Variable declarations anywhere in function bodies
  • some forms of static analysis, or at least syntax validation (experimental through the static_analysis = true flag in cahirc.toml's package section)
  • namespaces and import statements

Using it

The compiler requires a config file to be able to compile any project, here is a basic configuration file: cahirc.toml

name = "my-awesome-project" 

# the source directory that contains your `.wss` files
src = "src" 

# the output directory where the compiler will emit the `.ws` code.
# WARNING: the directory is cleared at the start of every compilation
dist = "dist" 

# You can copy the following lines to add new dependencie
# [dependencies]
# example = "./example-lib"

once you have the configuration file placed at the root of your project, the following command will compile your code:


Warning: The compiler is made for your local scripts, it cannot compile the vanilla scripts and it should not compile them either. The code emitted by the compiler is vastly different than the input code, using the compiler on vanilla scripts would create unnecessary conflicts for the users of your mod.

If you wish to call code from the vanilla files to the local files, however rare the scenario is, it is the exact same process as using local witcherscript files. The exception being generic types from libraries, the cahirc compiler mangles the names of the generic types of your libraries to avoid collisions with other mods that would use the same libraries. This means you will have to write some sort of wrapper in your .wss files that will serve as an interface between .ws and .wss.

Here is an example of how you would write such a wrapper:
// vanilla .ws file ... in witcherscript
addElementToHashMap("an-id", "the-value");
// local .wss file ... in cahirc
function addElementToHashMap(key: string, value: string) {
  addElementToHashMap_internal::<string, string>(key, value);

As you can see, it is just about making a wrapper function in cahirc with the generic types that is then compiled by the compiler. And the vanilla code calls the wrapper function.

The syntax

The syntax of the cahirc language is almost the same as the WitcherScript language with a few additions.

// a basic witcherscript program
function main() {
  var i: int;

  for (i = 0; i < 5; i += 1) {
    // ...

Here is a list of the differences in syntax between the two languages, the ones that will cause a .ws file to not be compiled by the cahirc compiler:

  • Type casting
    my_var = (int)a_float_variable;

    is no longer valid, instead it should be replaced with:

    my_var = a_float_variable as int;
    // paranthesis required for combined expressions
    my_var = (a_float_variable as int) + 5;


The cahirc language supports lambda functions. Functions you can store into variables and pass to other function as parameters.

Here is an example of how you declare a lambda function:

var a_lambda: fn(x: int): int;

This lambda is a function that takes 1 parameter x of type int and returns an int.

You can then define the lambda using the following syntax:

a_lambda = |el: int| el * 2 as int;

As you notice, parameters are surrounded by two pipes |, we also took the opportunity to rename the variable x the way we wanted. And finally the expression el * 2 that is instantly returned. We also specify the return type using the as <type> syntax. If the last statement is a type cast then it will be used as the lambda's return type, otherwise the lambda will default to void.

When a lambda has only one expression, you can omit the { and } around the body as well as the return statement. If you were to include two or more lines of code in the body of the lambda, these would be required:

a_lambda = |el: int| {
  var another_number: int = 5; // you can declare variables

  return el + another_number as int;

Once your lambda is defined, you can call it using the .call() statement:

var x =;

.call(...) is the only way to call a lambda, as doing a_lambda(10) will be considered invalid and will not compile.

Lambda functions also accept out parameters if you wish the body of your lambda to mutate the content of the received parameters.

add_five = |out el: int| el += 5;

var x: int = 0;

assert(add_five(x) == 5);

Lamba functions also work inside generic contexts:

Complex example while implementing a `map` function
function map<I, O>(input: array<I>, predicate: fn(child: I): O): array<O> {
  var output: array<O>;
  var i: int;

  for (i = 0; i < input.Size(); i += 1) {
    var child: I;


  return output;

which can be called like so:

var my_list_1: array<int>;
var my_list_2: array<int>;

// ...

my_list_2 = map::<int, string>(my_list_1, |x: int| "the number is: " + x as string;);

For .. in loops

for .. in loops are a shorter way to get for loops to iterate on types that implement the .Size() method such as arrays.

var items: array<ItemId> = thePlayer.inv.GetAllItems();

for item: ItemId in items {

As you can see at the moment (until type inference is added into the compiler) you must explicitly type the variable as the compiler will create an intermediary variable that holds the items in the array.


To define a generic function/class you can use the <T> annotation right behind the type's name.

function add<T>(a: T, b: T): T {
  return a + b;

class Counter<T> {
  var value: T;

  function set(value: T) {
    this.value = value;

where T can be replaced by any letter or word, and where you can have multiple words separated by commas for multiple types like so: <Type1, Type2>


Important detail for people used to the C macros, the cahirc preprocessor will replace any occurence of your macro parameters. For example a parameter x will match with the letter x in the word extra and will be replaced by the value that was provided during the macro call.

Choose parameter names wisely, especially if you plan on doing recursive macros with code blocks.

Compile time constants

#define const A_CONSTANT = "Hello world!";

function main() {

As you may notice, the syntax for defining a macro is similar to the C syntax. However, the syntax for using one is different, it requires the extra symbol ! behind the name of the macro constants.

This is done for simplicity while implementing the compiler, but it also improves readability as you quickly know what is a local variable vs what is a global macro constant.

Conditional compilation

#define const DEBUG;

function log(message: string) {
  #ifdef DEBUG {

Macro functions

#define function FOREACH(list, type, body) {
  var i: int;

  for (i = 0; i < list.Size(); i += 1) {
    var child: type = list[i];


function main() {
  var my_list: array<string> = { "foo", "bar", "foobar" };
  var sum: string;

  FOREACH!(my_list, string, {{

    sum += child;


will expand into:

function main() {
  var my_list: array<string> = { "foo", "bar", "foobar" };
  var sum: string;

  var i: int;

  for (i = 0; i < my_list.Size(); i += 1) {
    var child: string = list[i];


    sum += child;


As you may notice the ! symbol that is required for macro constants is also required for macro functions. You may also notice you do not need to write any type, the preprocessor will do a simple find/replace with the identifiers without checking anything. The code emitted by your macro may be invalid and the pre-processor will not emit any error.

The second important detail is how you are able to pass a variable, an identifier string, but also a whole piece of code {{ ... }}. The pre-processor treats this parameter as any other parameter.

Recursive macros are also possible:

#define const DEBUG;

// a macro that generates a basic if DEBUG condition,
// so the supplied `code` is run only if DEBUG is true.
#define function IF_DEBUG(code) {
  #ifdef DEBUG {

// a macro that expands into a print call, but only
// if DEBUG is true.
#define function PRINT(message) {

function main() {
  PRINT!("Program is in debug");

The pre-processor will continue to expand macro calls until none of them are found in the program anymore.

Warning: It is not the compiler's duty to detect infinite recursivity in the macro functions you write. If such a thing were to happen, the program would never stop growing until it runs out of memory.

Useful macro examples

Automatic state creation with prefix method names
#define function state(state_name, parent_class, code) {
  #pragma find function 
  #pragma replace function state_name_

state state_name in parent_class {
  event OnEnterState(previous_state_name: name) {
    LogChannel('parent_class', "Entering state state_name");



state!(Combat, EC_EnragedCombat, {{
  entry function main() {


emits the following code:

state Combat in EC_EnragedCombat {
  event OnEnterState(previous_Combat: name) {
    super.OnEnterState(previous_Combat, );
    LogChannel('EC_EnragedCombat', "Entering state Combat", );
  entry function Combat_main() {
Logging regions
function NLOG(message: string) {
  LogChannel("MyMod", message);

#define function logregion(segment, log_function, code) {
  #pragma find log_function("
  #pragma replace log_function("[segment] - 

logregion!(GlossaryBuilder, NLOG, {{
   function foo() {
     NLOG("Hello world"); // -> [GlossaryBuilder] - Hello world

   // you can even nest them:
   logregion!(Bar, NLOG, {{
     function bar() {
       NLOG("Lorem ipsum"); // -> "[Bar] - [GlossaryBuilder] - Lorem ipsum"

Pragma directives

Give directives to the compiler using pragma calls.

Print file output after pre-processour pass

#pragma cahirc-preprocessor-print

Anywhere in the file will tell the compiler to print the output file right after the pre-preprocessor pass. Useful to debug macros.

Find and replace patterns during macro expansions

#pragma find pattern to find
#pragma replace new value to replace the pattern

In macro definitions to find/replace pieces of text. The find & replace patterns are edited by the parameters of the macro while expanding

Projects using the cahirc language

  • Random Encounters Reworked, another project of mine, was recently translated to the language and compiles/runs successfully. It is composed of 20K+ lines of code.


Transpiler for the WitcherScript Superset language called cahirc. Brings generics, lambdas, closures, macros and more to witcherscript





