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NEC ConfMan

The NEC Configuration Management or NEC ConfMan is an implementation of the FIWARE IoT Discovery Generic Enabler done by NEC. This implementation is specifically designed to interwork with the IoT Broker GE FIWARE reference implementation, serving as the registry of FIWARE NGSI context providers.

The NEC ConfMan APIs are fully based on FIWARE NGSI-9. ConfMan supports the following operations for exchanging context availability information:

  • The registerContext operation is available to register information about data sources in the ConfMan's database.
  • The discoveryContextAvailability operation can be used to query ConfMan for data sources.
  • Users can subscribe for data sources using the subscribeContextAvailability, updateContextAvailabilitySubscription and unsubscribeContextAvailability operations. Subscribed users need to expose a resource for receiving notifyContextAvailability messages from ConfMan.

Compiling the Source Code

System Requirements

The following software is required for compiling ConfMan

  • JAVA JDK 7 or OpenJDK 7
  • MAVEN 3

Compilation Procedure

The source code is organized as Maven projects and therefore can be compiled using Maven.

First it is necessary to clone this repository:

git clone

Which will produce as result a folder /CHOSENPATH/NEConfMan/ with the source code.

At compile time, Maven will automatically install the required dependency. One exception is the dependency on package eu.neclab.iotplatform.ngsi.api. This package is delivered as part of the IoT Broker GE reference implementation Aeron.

In order to get the ngsi.api bundle, do the following:


# Since GIT does not support download of a single folder, we need to make use of a feature
# that allows svn checkout of single folders
svn checkout
svn checkout

# Let's compile the dependencies from the Aeron project
cd /CHOSENPATH/NEConfMan/IoTbrokerParent
mvn clean install
cd /CHOSENPATH/NEConfMan/eu.neclab.iotplatform.ngsi.api
mvn clean install

To compile the ConfMan sources, first compile the ConfMan parent project. Navigate into the folder eu.neclab.iotplatform.confman.parent and type

cd /CHOSENPATH/NEConfMan/eu.neclab.iotplatform.confman.parent
mvn clean install

Having installed the parent project, the ConfMan bundles are compiled by navigating into the eu.neclab.iotplatform.confman.builder folder and typing again

cd /CHOSENPATH/NEConfMan/eu.neclab.iotplatform.confman.builder
mvn clean install

The compiled bundles will be placed as jar files in eu.neclab.iotplatform.confman.builder/target/builder-7.1-assembly/bundle. Note that the ConfMan repository contains a runtime environment which is pre-configured to load the OSGi bundles from exactly that folder.

Finally it is necessary to copy the ngsi.api bundle that we have previously compiled within the NEConfMan builder folder:

cp /CHOSENPATH/NEConfMan/eu.neclab.iotplatform.ngsi.api/target/ngsi.api-7.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /CHOSENPATH/NEConfMan/eu.neclab.iotplatform.confman.builder/target/builder-7.1-SNAPSHOT-assembly/bundle

(change the version of the ngsi.api bundle and of the confman target folder when necessary.)

Configuring and running NEC ConfMan

System Requirements

The NEC ConfMan is implemented in Java and packaged as a set of OSGi bundles. It therefore runs on multiple operating systems including Windows and Linux.

The following software additionally needs to be installed:

  • Java 1.7 or higher
  • PostgreSQL server (version 9.2 or higher recommended). Please note that the credentials for access by ConfMan need to be set consistent to the access credentials configured in the ConfMan config file.
  • CouchDB (version 1.6 or higher recommended).

Runtime Environment

A pre-configured runtime environment based on Equinox is included by this release in the folder ConfMan_Runner. To start the ConfMan, run one of the two executable scripts startConfigurationManager.bat or, depending on your operating system.

Configure the NEC ConfMan with setup scripts

NEConfMan configuration variables are spread among several files. For this reason is highly recommended the usage of the script (only for Bash shell in UNIX system) available in the ConfMan-Runner folder (please note it is important that the structure of the folder needs to be the same as the one in the github repository

First we have to enter in the ConfMan-Runner folder:

cd ConfMan_Runner

For a very quick configuration of the NEConfMan the following command needs to be run (please make sure the has the execute rights with a chmod +x

./ --auto

The setup script will look at the default configurations in the confman.conf.default file and it will manage to automatically figure out the necessary path for the configuration.

The paths will be configured only to the NEConfMan configuration files and not in these setup files. In order to run in the future the script without specifying the --auto option, the following command needs to be run:

./ --auto --propagateauto

The --propagateauto instructs the setup script to create a local configuration file, confman.conf.local, with the right path configurations. From now on the next setup action can be done simply by the following command:


In order to setup the NEConfMan differently from the default configuration, it is necessary to specify the custom preference in the confman.conf.local. If the latter file has not yet been created by the --propagateauto options, it needs to be manually created. There are two possibilities:

  • Create and empty file called confman.conf.local, add at the first line #!/bin/bash and give the execute permissions.
  • Copy the confman.conf.default into confman.conf.local and give the execute permissions.

No differences between the two options, since the setup script will first look into the confman.conf.default file and then all the variables will be overwritten by the confman.conf.local file. Now the custom preferences can be set.

Please note: if a ./ --auto --propagateauto has not yet been run once, also the needs to have the following 4 paths set at the beginning of the script:


For having the custom preferences set it is necessary to simply run:


After running the, the NEConfMan can be started with the provided scripts in ConfMand-Runner folder.

For instance, let's run the NEConfMan in console mode:


and after a few seconds, when the logs have stopped to print new info, let's check if all the bundles are loaded into OSGi. Type the ss command and push enter:

osgi> ss

the output should look like similar to this (depending on the choosen bundles):

71	ACTIVE      eu.neclab.iotplatform.confman.commons_7.1.0.SNAPSHOT
72	ACTIVE      eu.neclab.iotplatform.confman.coreextensible_7.1.0.SNAPSHOT
73	ACTIVE      eu.neclab.iotplatform.confman.couchdb_7.1.0.SNAPSHOT
74	ACTIVE      eu.neclab.iotplatform.ngsi.api_7.1.0.SNAPSHOT
75	ACTIVE      eu.neclab.iotplatform.confman.postgres_7.1.0.SNAPSHOT
76	ACTIVE      eu.neclab.iotplatform.confman.restcontroller_7.1.0.SNAPSHOT
77	RESOLVED    eu.neclab.iotplatform.confman.serverconf_7.1.0.SNAPSHOT
78	ACTIVE      eu.neclab.iotplatform.confman.utilitystorage_7.1.0.SNAPSHOT
79	ACTIVE      eu.neclab.iotplatform.confman.extensionmanager_7.1.0.SNAPSHOT
80	ACTIVE      eu.neclab.iotplatform.confman.knowledgebase_7.1.0.SNAPSHOT

Manual System Configuration

The NEC ConfMan is configured by means of the following files

  • ConfMan_Runner/confman/configuration/config.ini is the configuration file for the Equinox OSGi environment. The most important parameters to set here are
  • tomcat.init.port: The port to which the ConfMan's NGSI API is listening to
  • dir.config: the (absolute path) of the location of the fiwareRelease folder
  • fiwareRelease/confmanconfig/configurationManager/config/ folder
  • Database configuration (including credentials for postgreSQL; see the system requirements section above)
  • config.xml: location of xml schema files for message body syntax checking, and path prefix of the exposed FIWARE NGSI-9 REST interface
  • fiwareRelease/confmanconfig/bundleConfigurations/services/ configuration of logger

NGSI bundle issue

The NEConfMan is using the JAVA NGSI specification of the IoT Broker. This specification is given as a jar archive in the ConfManTargetPlatform/neclab folder. It may happen that in such folder there is not the most updated one and it may cause some issue due to incompatibility. In order to get the last one, it is necessary to build the last version from the source code ( and then position the resulting jar file in the ConfManTargetPlatform/neclab.


FIWARE IoT Discovery GE implementation by NEC






