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JojoFR1 edited this page Jun 29, 2023 · 15 revisions


Language: English

This page will list every item in the mod with their name, description and stats.


woodLumber Lumber

  Name: woodLumber
  Localized Name: Lumber
  Localized Description: Transformed wood, mostly used in constructions.
  Color: #bf7d5a

  Produced in: woodHarvester
  Produced with: tree


   explosiveness: 0%
   flammability: 90%
   radioactivity: 0%
   charge: 0%
   hardness: 0

woodShreds Wood Shreds

  Name: woodShreds
  Localized Name: Wood Shreds
  Localized Description: Wood broken down in tiny bits, doesn't have many uses.
  Color: #efbf8f

  Produced in: shredder
  Produced with: woodLumber


   explosiveness: 0%
   flammability: 80%
   radioactivity: 0%
   charge: 0%
   hardness: 0

lumberDry Lumber Dry

  Name: woodLumberDry
  Localized Name: Dry Wood
  Localized Description: Dried wood, obtained from the wood dryer. Burns really well.
  Color: #7b6b60

  Produced in: woodDryer
  Produced with: woodLumber


   explosiveness: 0%
   flammability: 200%
   radioactivity: 0%
   charge: 0%
   hardness: 0

carbon Carbon

  Name: carbon
  Localized Name: Carbon
  Localized Description: The result of wood burning, really useful to harden iron.
  Color: #313131

  Produced in: Can't be produced yet
  Produced with: Items with more than 80% flammability.


   explosiveness: 0%
   flammability: 30%
   radioactivity: 0%
   charge: 0%
   hardness: 0

stone Stone

  Name: stone
  Localized Name: Stone
  Localized Description: One of the first resources of this world, used in a lot of early tech. Can be found almost everywhere.
  Color: #e0b28d

  Produced in: stoneMiner
  Produced with: floorStoneA floorStoneB floorStoneC


   explosiveness: 0%
   flammability: 90%
   radioactivity: 0%
   charge: 0%
   hardness: 0

stonePebbles Stone Pebbles

  Name: stonePebbles
  Localized Name: Stone Pebbles
  Localized Description: Small stones and bits from bigger stones.
  Color: #e0b28c

  Produced in: Can't be produced yet.
  Produced with: stone


   explosiveness: 0%
   flammability: 0%
   radioactivity: 0%
   charge: 0%
   hardness: 0

stoneBrick Stone Brick

  Name: stonePebbles
  Localized Name: Stone Brick
  Localized Description: Mostly used in advanced building, can give a strong base.
  Color: #e0b28c

  Produced in: brickMaker
  Produced with: tree


   explosiveness: 0%
   flammability: 0%
   radioactivity: 0%
   charge: 0%
   hardness: 0

rawIron Raw Iron

iron Iron

steel Steel

rawCopper Raw Copper

copper Copper

brass Brass

rawZinc Raw Zinc

zinc Zinc

rawTin Raw Tin



Raw Aluminum


Raw Titanium


sand Sand

blueprint Blueprint

advancedBlueprint Advanced Blueprint

specialBlueprintDefense Special Blueprint Defense

specialBlueprintOffense Special Blueprint Offense


rifle Rifle

highCaliber High Caliber

combustibleCanister Combustible Canister

rocket Rocket

shotgunShell Shotgun Shell

shotgunSlug Shotgun Slug

More will come soon, this takes times.