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Koa middleware to allow Newrelic monitor Koa applications like Express

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Koa middleware to allow Newrelic monitor Koa applications like Express. Supported features:

  • Name transactions according to router (Only support koa-router)
  • Group and name transactions for static resources according to file extensions
  • Traces for Koa middlewares
  • Traces ctx.render

koa 1.x

See koa-newrelic 1.x for koa 1.x support.


npm install koa-newrelic


const newrelic = require('newrelic');
const koaNewrelic = require('koa-newrelic')(newrelic, opts);
const Koa = require('koa');
const Router = require('koa-router');
const views = require('koa-views');

const app = new Koa();
const router = new Router;

router.get('/', async function (next) {...});

  .use(views()) // use views middleware could help instrument ctx.render method

To record traces of middlewares, please initialize koa-newrelic before adding any middlewares to app or router


  • middlewareTrace Boolean for if need traces for each middleware. Defaults to false
  • groupStaticResources Boolean for if need to group transactions by file extension. Defaults to false
  • staticExtensions Array of file extensions will be grouped if groupStaticResources is true. Defaults to ['svg','png','jpg','gif','css','js','html']
  • customTransactionName Function to customize transaction metrics name by method and route path. Defaults to (method, path) => 'Koajs/' + (path[0] === '/' ? path.slice(1) : path) + '#' + method
  • renderMethodName name of render method for the framework. Default to render


const koaNewrelic = require('koa-newrelic')(newrelic, {
  renderMethodName: 'render',
  middlewareTrace: true,
  groupStaticResources: true,
  staticExtensions: ['js', 'css'],
  customTransactionName: (method, path) => `Koajs/${path.slice(1)}#${method}`

router.get('/index', async function ctrA(ctx) {...});'/login', async function ctrB(ctx) {...});


  In Newrelic, you will find following transactions

	  Middleware serve
	  Middleware dispatch
	  Middleware ctrA

	  Middleware serve
	  Middleware dispatch
	  Middleware ctrB

	  Middleware serve

	  Middleware serve  


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Copyright (c) 2017 AfterShip

Licensed under the MIT license.