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tagged this 29 Oct 19:59
- Updated node packages
- Adjusted eslint config for indentation
- Fixed linting issues
- Moved babel config out of webpack config
- Updated saucelabs config
- Added
- cli-tools
  - cli
    - Updated generate component to match v1.1.0 standards
    - Added icons template

- webpack-packages
  - webcomponent-css-loader
    - removed logs
    - Add @import paths the modules dependencies.
    - skip pruning on dev
  - templating-plugin
    - added support for variable webpackConfig.output.publicPath
    - Skip index.js files that do not contain a valid route doc block
  - unit-testing-plugin
    - moved coverage report assignement to WCT to the top of the test file to fix fatal WCT error when a tests throws a fatal error.
Assets 2