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User API

Agent-Husky edited this page Nov 12, 2022 · 2 revisions

All data must be send as FormData.


Data to send

action = "getall" 


Returns list of all users and their information.


Data to send

action = "getbyid"
id = id of the requested user


Returns list of all user information.


Data to send

action = "add"
username = your username
password_hash = sha256 hash of your current password
addusername = username of the user to add
titel = title of user to add e.g. "Dr."
vorname = first name of user
nachname = last name of user
generatedpassword = sha256 hash of the password for the new user
email = email address of user to add
position = role of user to add
faecher = string of faecher the user teaches e.g. "MA;DE;FR"


Adds user with given parameters.


Data to send

action = "adminupdate"
username = your username
password_hash = sha256 hash of your current password
id = id of the selected user
addusername = username of the user to add
titel = title of user to add e.g. "Dr."
vorname = first name of user
nachname = last name of user
generatedpassword = sha256 hash of the password for the new user
email = email address of user to add
position = role of user to add
faecher = string of faecher the user teaches e.g. "MA;DE;FR"


Administration update of user information.


Data to send

action = "selfupdate"
username = your username
password_hash = sha256 hash of your current password
displayname = displayed first name of user e.g. "F."
description = descriptiontext of the user


Updates self-editable information.


Data to send

action = "delete"
username = your username
password_hash = sha256 hash of your current password
id = id of the selected user


Disables user account.


Data to send

action = "changepassword"
username = your username
password_hash = sha256 hash of your current password
newpassword_hash = sha256 hash of your new password


Update your own password.