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go-grpc-broker is plain module to construct exchange service, like publisher-subscriber, where publisher can push message to all subscribers in fanout mode, or communicate with one consumer in RPC mode.

RPC mode

RPC mode is designed to run function on the remote service and wait the result. Topic in exclusive mode combines only two members. If one side produces message and the other side not ready to operate its, the broker returns error.

                  |Exchange     |
           -----> | Topic A     | ------->
Publisher         | (exclusive) |         Subscriber
           <----- |             | <-------
                  |             |

Simple ping-pong

package main

import (
    cbr ""


var (
    guid = flag.String("guid", "", "client identifier")
    ping = flag.Bool("ping", false, "start ping request")

func main() {

    cli := cbr.New(cbr.WithAuthentication(*guid, "secret"))
    if err := cli.Dial(""); err != nil {

    hdFunc := func(msg *cbr.Message) {
        resp := cbr.NewMessage()
        switch msg.Id {
        case "ping":
            resp.Id = "pong"
        case "pong":
            resp.Id = "ping"

        time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
        fmt.Println("received: ", msg.Id, ", send: ", resp.Id)
        if err := cli.Publish("foo-ping", resp, nil); err != nil {

    cc := cli.StartServe(hdFunc, "foo-ping", "", true)
    defer cc.Close()

    cc := cli.StartServe(hdFunc, "foo-ping", "", true)
    defer cc.Close()

    if *ping {
        go func() {
            for {
                timer := time.NewTimer(1 * time.Second)
                select {
                case <-timer.C:
                    msg := cbr.NewMessage()
                    msg.Id = "ping"
                    if err := cli.Publish("foo-ping", msg, nil); err == nil {
                    } else {
                        fmt.Println(err, ", retry at 1 sec")

    stop := make(chan struct{})

Start Sender A

go run . -ping -guid GUID

Start Sender B

go run . -guid GUID

Besides this one wants to pay attention on the client extension which helps to realize well known http handler style

package main

import (
    cbr ""


var (
    guid = flag.String("guid", "", "client identifier")
    ping = flag.Bool("ping", false, "start ping request")

func main() {

    cli := cbr.NewServeMux(cbr.New(cbr.WithAuthentication(*guid, "secret")))
    if err := cli.Dial(""); err != nil {

    cc := cli.StartServe("foo-ping", "", true)
    defer cc.Close()

    if *ping {
        // sender mode
        go func() {
            for {
                timer := time.NewTimer(1 * time.Second)
                select {
                case <-timer.C:
                    msg := cbr.NewMessage()
                    // set message header that points action type for the resource
                    cbr.SetMessageActionGet(msg, "ping/pong")
                    // message must have id
                    msg.Id = strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)
                    msg.Body = []byte("ping")

                    if res, err := cli.PublishRequest("foo-ping", msg, nil); err == nil {
                        fmt.Println("sent ping with id", msg.Id, "received response: ", res.Id)
                    } else {
                        fmt.Println(err, ", retry at 1 sec")
    } else {
        // receive/response mode
        cli.Get("ping/pong", cbr.HandlerFunc(
            func(w cbr.ResponseWriter, msg *cbr.Message) {
                time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
                id := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)
                fmt.Println("received: ", msg.Id, ", send: ", id)

                if string(msg.Body) == "ping" {

                if err := w.Publish("foo-ping", nil); err != nil {

    stop := make(chan struct{})

Start Sender A

go run . -ping -guid GUID

Start Sender B

go run . -guid GUID

Fanout mode

Fanout mode idea is to deliver to all subscribers of the topic mentioned by the producer without acknowledgement warranty.

                           |Exchange        |         +-----------+ 
                           |                |      -- |Subscriber | 
                           |+--------------+|  ---/   +-----------+ 
 Publisher             --- || Topic A      ||-/
 (Topic=A, Message) --/    |+--------------+|---\     +-----------+ 
                           |                |    ---- |Subscriber | 
                           |                |         +-----------+ 

Run gRPC server

package main

import (
	gbr ""

func main() {
    users := map[string]string{
	    "6704be61-3d72-4241-a740-ffb0d6c56da8": "secret",
	auth := gbr.NewDummyAuthentication(users)

	broker := gbr.NewExchangeServer(auth)


Recreate api

Required plugin

go install


protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative api/api.proto