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dcorking edited this page Nov 5, 2014 · 3 revisions

Interesting question is about when is it effective to automate?

Seems like we could have a version of the site which was just the fusion tables backed map, and a google form that was linked up so people could request updates to their addresses, contact details etc. The real question is what is the volume of requests ever likely to be?

If there are only ever going to be one or two a week, then manual update would be fine, and actually maybe we want to have human contact when people update their details, i.e. you might well want to have a chat with an organisation that is moving or has undergone some changes ...


Is this the real sequence?

  • Red cucumber
  • Red rspec
  • Green rspec
  • Refactor underlying code
  • Refactor rspec
  • Green cucumber
  • Refactor underlying code
  • Refactor rspec
  • Refactor cucumber

Test scripts

We frequently use Capybara's has_xpath method in our view specs and cucumber steps. This XPath cheatsheet from Microsoft has been useful: