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Raoul DIFFOUO edited this page Apr 19, 2015 · 2 revisions

Note: The following assumes you have a ruby development environment setup on your local machine.

Project Requirements

Step 1: Fork the repository

Forking the project creates a copy of the code base which you can modify without affecting the main code base. Once you are satisfied with your changes, you can make a pull request to the main repository.

Visit the project homepage on GitHub Fork the project by clicking the Fork button on the top-right hand corner. Wait while the repository is being forked. All done!

Now that you have a fork of the project, copy the URL for the repository (just below the sidebar on the right) and clone the project using Git:

$ cd to/some/directory
$ git clone<your-github-username>/TakeMeAway.git

You also need to configure remote to point to the main project repository in order to get latest updates. (This will be required at a later stage when submitting your features)

$ git remote add upstream

Step 2: Install Project dependencies

$ cd /path/to/project
$ bundle install

Step 3: Update the database

$ bundle exec rake db:setup

Step 5: Run the tests

$ bundle exec rake spec
$ bundle exec rake cucumber

Discuss any errors with the team.

Step 6. Start the server

$ bundle exec rails s


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