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Angular-Angel edited this page Feb 18, 2015 · 10 revisions


is a project creating the software for a flexible graph-based forum for discussion and debate. It will support reconfiguration to many purposes through a client-interpreted, server-checked protocol. In its final implementation, each node and edge in the database could be configured to hold arbitrary data accepted or denied for inclusion by the server, with the client determining (or not, and ignoring) the data's representation based on its own knowledge of formats that exist. Additionally, references and branching to multiple servers will be supported by both server-server and server-client-server routing, similar to DNS.

Initially and as a test-bed for this functionality, the project will develop towards an implementation of a working online debate system. Later, support for unregulated and undirected discussion will be investigated and included in the client/server toolkit we develop.


Initial discussion topic on Bay12 Forums

Original collaborative Google Doc Currently being used for proposals for different systems.




Communication Protocol

Agora Server

Client-side libraries


Outcome Computation

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