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Max Cobb edited this page Apr 8, 2022 · 6 revisions

Agora UIKit for iOS and macOS

When setting up your own streaming application with Agora, a few technical steps might slow you down. Now with Agora UIKit for iOS and macOS you can create an application as easily as placing a UIView, NSView or SwiftUI View.

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Core Features

  • Automatically layout all video streams
  • Multiple layouts, including floating, grid, collection (which displays only the scrolling collection of streams), and custom (example of custom below)
  • Display the active speaker in the larger display when using the floating layout
  • Allowing you to pin any stream to the larger display when using the floating layout
  • Buttons for disabling camera or microphone, beautify filter. Also share screen (macOS only) and switch cameras (iOS only).
  • Icon for signalling the local or remote streamer’s microphone is disabled
  • Automatically subscribing to high- or low-quality video streams, depending on the size of views
  • Automatically fetch token if provided token server base URL
  • Mute/Unmute requests
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