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Releases: Agrathejagged/tenora-works

v0.6.0: Set editor fixes, script editor rework, initial enemy file editors, NBL add/delete/rename support

24 Nov 05:18
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I actually updated the version number on this one (not just the auto-generated build numbers, which aren't included any more) because of some fairly significant behind-the-scenes changes.

So, from a user standpoint, the following changes were made:

  1. The set editor received some significant fixes for exporting/importing JSON and adding new lists. A few things in the list headers are also identified now (several appear to be unused--probably hints for Sega's editor). Unfortunately, this means importing old JSON through the old version of the parser, and then exporting it again with the new one. Sorry!
  2. Reworked the script editor. It's still not ideal (I'd like to have it be plaintext, but that's obnoxious to actually write), but it's about as nice as it's likely to get with the current setup. It now has only one argument type (rather than the old three), which will only permit valid arguments, and branches now point to labels rather than line numbers (or, even worse, offset-from-current--this is what the file actually contains), so adding/removing operations won't shatter your scripts any more. There are also a number of new convenience features (searching by function name, go-to on function calls, what-calls-this on functions). "SaveP" also got renamed to something more sensible.
  3. Several enemy files have editing support. This comes with a very heavy caveat: There are features in this that will allow you to cheat on Clementine. It will not make you more efficient at playing, but it will allow you to very effectively suck the fun out of the game. I have already been in communication with the admins; if this becomes a problem, the archives containing these files will be locked for client edits. When you can't edit the Svaltus textures any more, you'll know why. (That said, in terms of "cheat on Clementine", this still rates very poorly in terms of effort-versus-reward, and anything that'd happen from editing these files can be done other ways anyway.)
  4. Added add/remove/rename to files. Right click the file for remove/rename (or you can rename them similar to how you do it in explorer), right click the NMLL/TMLL chunk to add. It'll warn you if you're trying to duplicate a filename in an archive that cares about filename (this validation's also been added to replacing files--it'll prompt you to rename).

The zip now contains all of the related projects. The FPB extractor and mission builder are pretty small.

From the development side:
PSULib got reorganized. Nothing got deleted, but the file classes all got sorted into namespaces based on functionality area (it'll be obvious when you see it). Anything that's either system agnostic (e.g PointeredFile/UnpointeredFile) or used in multiple areas (TextFile, ScriptFile) is in General.

0.5.7897.40483: Assorted bugfixes

16 Aug 02:45
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This version has some major fixes for importing/exporting files. By default, files will now export with metadata, so they'll import back in properly; obviously if you intend to use external tools with some of them, the option to remove it is still present in Options.

A few new files have been roughly laid-out. They're sorta initial work on some of the set object-related map files, from when I was hoping to get a new Distant Dream out for this September, but it's looking like that won't happen. XNT files have a few formerly-unknown pieces of data properly labeled now, too, and the generic unidentified file viewer got some fixes for properly identifying pointer groups in the tree view.

Because of a few changes to the data structures, enemy layout JSON from old versions is no longer compatible. If you've exported any monster layouts (enemy**_****.xnr) to JSON, please import them back into the game file before moving to this release.

These changes were entirely focused on PSULib and the parser. The MissionBuilder zip has been updated for the new PSULib DLL, but the FPB extractor has not been modified; it is still attached to this release for completeness' sake.

Detailed list:
Added obj_param.xnr/obj_particle.xnr
Cleanup/identified some new data for monster layouts
Fixes for AFS import/export
Fixed NBL pointered file import/export (last time, hopefully)
Labeled some data in XNT files
Somewhat identified categories in NOM files (still early)
Fix group identification in pointered file viewer

0.5.7680.40801: Across-the-board updates

11 Jan 03:55
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Rare update that actually touches every single component. Major bugfixes for 360 files and the mission builder, a few UI changes in the parser, and substantial behind-the-scenes changes. Some of this is trying to reconcile this project against the model viewer, but the model viewer is still a long ways from ready for release.

NOTE: The UI around compressed NBLs is very different. A compressed NML/TML chunk will now show green in the tree; right clicking it will allow you to set it to be compressed or uncompressed. Additionally, File->Settings now includes the possibility to globally override that setting for NMLL or TMLL chunks. Note that the compression code still isn't amazingly quick, so please compress files responsibly.

Detailed change list:
FPB Extractor:

  • Added support for PSP2 proto/demo and PSP2i demo
  • Added missing file lists for all known versions (thanks to Shadowth117)

Mission Builder:

  • Updated to actually save the mission file (oops)


  • Added support for PSUv1 enemy drop files
  • Minor code quality improvements scattered across the board
  • Fixed big endian pointered files (these got broken previous build)
  • Added XNA (bone name) files
  • GimSharp changes to fix a few PSP1 textures (these have been commented, search "PSUlib")
  • Changes to ContainerFile to try to make the interface a bit more consistent.
  • Added compression override setting for NBLs.
  • Improved PsuFiles detection for PC/PS2/PSP/360 files (note: PS2/PSP formats are very likely to break on save)
  • Added delegate to PsuFiles for overriding which formats to use for parsing.

PSU Generic Parser:

  • Added v1 support to enemy drop viewer.
  • Default to saving metadata on file export (for re-importing files into the parser). Setting still in Settings window. This may get revisited.
  • Made pointered file viewer tree more responsive (children are populated upon expanding parent, rather than upon selecting parent).
  • Removed a few unused classes.
  • Updated XVR viewer to automatically convert DXTn files to raster files upon updating format or replacing mipmaps. Improved error messages for large files. Improved UI when interacting with GIM textures.
  • Restored broken functionality for import/export all weapon files in the debug menu.
  • Reworked NML/TML compression UI (right click the chunk to mark it compressed/uncompressed, then settings has a global override).

0.5.7663.31265: Parser bugfixes/usability improvements

24 Dec 22:59
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Updates to PSULib/psu generic parser.

Major changes:

  1. Updated text editor.
  2. Updated XVR editor to not lock imported image files.
  3. Updated all filename code to support shift-JIS (should fix the hot springs lobby file)
  4. Updates to the set editor.
  5. Fixed exports/imports for unidentified files containing pointers.

NOTE: If you have set file json files from older versions, they may no longer work. Please import them into a set file, then re-export them with the new version.

FPB extractor initial release, PSP2 NBL fixes

28 Nov 05:20
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Added FPB extractor, fixed compression on saving PSP2 NBLs in the parser and PSUlib.

The FPB extractor should generally supersede the gasetools fpb.exe as a method to extract files from the PSP file.fpb and media.fpb (note: media.fpb must be decrypted before you can use it).

Initial release

26 Nov 06:36
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This is the first public release of the parser and mission builder. For description of what each does, check the repository readme.

Known issue: The "Force save in PSU format" checkbox in the settings does not actually work.