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[1.3.x] MineTweaker3

CodesCubesAndCrashes edited this page Oct 21, 2017 · 1 revision

MineTweaker3 integration

Documents all the methods provided by AgriCraft. For feature requests create an issue or head over to the FTB thread.

CustomWood recipes

CustomWood recipes are the recipes for the Channel, Tank and Valve. These are like vanilla recipes with the only difference that for each plank type a seperate recipe is created.

Import: import mods.agricraft.CustomWood

Provided methods

  • remove(IItemStack result): Removes all recipes for crafting result
  • addShaped(IItemStack result, IItemStack[][] inputs)
  • addShapeless(IItemStack result, IItemStack[] inputs)


import mods.agricraft.CustomWood;

    [[<minecraft:planks>, null, <minecraft:planks>],
    [null, null, null],
    [null, <minecraft:planks>, null]]);

    [<AgriCraft:waterChannel>, <AgriCraft:waterChannel>, <minecraft:stick>])

This example will change the recipe for all Channel and Valve versions. Note that the <minecraft:planks> in the shaped recipe and the <AgriCraft:waterChannel> in the shapeless recipe, will get replaced with the "correct" instance for all the recipes.

Seed Mutations

Seed mutations are of the general form <result> = <parent1> + <parent2>. Additional parameters can further refine the mutation. Not all possibilities are exposed via MineTweaker (yet).

Import: import mods.agricraft.SeedMutation

Provided methods

  • remove(IItemStack result): Removes all mutations where <result> is the result of the mutation.
  • add(IItemStack result, IItemStack parent1, IItemStack parent2)


import mods.agricraft.SeedMutation;

SeedMutation.add(<minecraft:pumpkin_seeds>, <minecraft:melon_seeds>, <minecraft:wheat_seeds>);

Seed blacklist

Seeds on the blacklist can not be planted on crops. Make sure that all provided method arguments are of type ItemSeeds.

Import: import mods.agricraft.SeedBlacklist

Provided methods

  • add(IItemStack seed)
  • add(IItemStack[] seeds)
  • remove(IItemStack seed)
  • remove(IItemStack[] seeds)


import mods.agricraft.SeedBlacklist;

SeedBlacklist.add([<minecraft:pumpkin_seeds>, <minecraft:melon_seeds>]);

Spread chance

The spread chance of individual seeds can be overwritten. The spread chance denotes the probability that a fully grown fruit will spread to an adjecent cross-breed crop.

Import: import mods.agricraft.SpreadChance

Provided methods

  • override(IItemStack seed, int chance): Chance has to be between 0 and 100 inclusive.

Custom crop fruits

You can change the fruits dropped by custom crops by adding/removing drops

Import: import mods.agricraft.CropProduct

Provided methods

  • add(IItemStack seed, IItemStack fruit, int weight): seed is the seed corresponding to the crop, weight has to be higher than zero, else the default value of 10 will be used
  • `remove(IItemStack seed, IItemStack fruit)

Growth requirements

This section contains all the available configuration objects which modify growth requirements

Fertile soils

Fertile soils are the default soils if no custom soil is specified. Make sure that all provided method arguments are of type ItemBlock.

Import: import mods.agricraft.growing.FertileSoils

Provided methods

  • add(IItemStack soil)
  • add(IItemStack[] soils)
  • remove(IItemStack soil)
  • remove(IItemStack[] soils)


Allows to define a specific soil for a specific plant. This mechanism is used by default to restrict sugarcane and cactus to sand.

Import: import mods.agricraft.growing.Soil

Provided methods

  • set(IItemStack seed, IItemStack soil)
  • clear(IItemStack seed): Removes the specific soil requirement. Seed can be planted on all fertile soils.


Allows to define the light levels at which the plant can grow. The user has to specify an interval for this setting: [a, b[ where 0 <= a <= b < 16. (Note that the lower bound is inclusive and the upper bound exclusive)

Import: import mods.agricraft.growing.Brightness

Provided methods

  • set(IItemStack seed, int min, int max)


The base block is a block that has to be either below or nearby (range 4) of the soil where the seed is planted on.

Import: import mods.agricraft.growing.BaseBlock

Provided methods

  • set(IItemStack seed, IItemStack base, int type)
  • set(IIOreDictEntry seed, IItemStack base, int type)
  • set(IItemStack seed, IItemStack base, int type, boolean baseBlockOreDicted)
    • type is either 1 (BELOW) or 2 (NEARBY)
    • baseBlockOreDicted should be true if every block with the same ore dict should fulfill the requirement, false otherwise
  • clear(IItemStack seed): Removes the requirement of a base block from the seed


import mods.agricraft.growing.BaseBlock;

BaseBlock.add(<minecraft:pumpkin_seeds>, <ore:sand>, 1);
BaseBlock.add(<AgriCraft:seedPotato>, <minecraft:dirt>, 2);