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Agronify Android Application

Native android application for Agronify.


Agronify is a mobile application based on Android that aims to help the agriculture and plantation sectors, with features such as Weather Forecasting, Crop Information & Basic Knowledge Sharing, Crop Disease & Ripeness Identification, any many more to come.

Technology Stack

Android Studio Kotlin Android Jetpack Dagger Hilt Retrofit Location CameraX Glide


1. AgroWeather - Weather Forecasting

  • Current Weather - Get current weather information of your location.
  • Forecast Weather - Get weather forecast information of your location for next 2 days.
  • AgroTips - Get tips based on the forecasted weather of your location.

2. AgroEdu - Crop Information & Basic Knowledge Sharing

  • Crop Information - Get information about crops.
  • Knowledge Sharing - Get knowledge related to agriculture.
  • Share - Share information through AgroHub.

3. AgroScan - Crop Disease & Ripeness Identification

  • Crop Disease Identification - Identify disease in crops.
  • Crop Disease Information - Get information about disease in crops.
  • Crop Ripeness Identification - Identify ripeness of crops.


MVVM Architecture


Project Structure



Splash, Home, AgroWeather AgroEdu, AgroEduDetail, Profile AgroScan, Camera, Result



  • Android Studio
  • Android SDK with a minimum API level of 24


  1. Fork or clone the repository.
git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory in Android Studio.
  2. Configure the to set BuildConfig variables.
BASE_URL="" // Agronify API
BUCKET_URL="" // Agronify Storage
  1. Build the application. This may take a few minutes.
  2. Run the application on an emulator or physical device.
  3. Wait for the application to be installed and launched. You should now be able to test the Agronify application.


If you happen to encounter any issues or want to request new feature, please open an issue or contact the maintainer for help.

Developed and Maintained by

Fathoor A038DSX1686