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My MakeFile Basics

How can I make it work?

  • Put all your project file in one folder with makefile then open your cmd terminal in this folder then hit Make

I add just some of Make targets

  • use Make All or Make to generate all project file like .hex .elf .o .s .lss .sym .d
  • use make clean Clean out built project files.
  • use make gccversion to generate avr-gcc version.
  • use make size to generate memory usage of your .elf file.
  • use make filename.s to compile filename.c into the assembler code only.
  • use make filename.i to Create a preprocessed source file for use in submitting bug reports to the GCC project.
  • Future Work

  • use make program Download the hex file to the device, using avrdude.
  • use make debug Start either simulavr or avarice as specified for debugging, with avr-gdb or avr-insight as the front end for debugging.

Some Varabile must change before work

  1. MCU=? Microcontroller Name like MCU=Atmega32
  2. F_CPU=? Processor frequency like F_CPU = 16000000
  3. FORMAT=? Hex File format like FORMAT = ihex
  4. TARGET=? Target(Main file) file name (without extension) like TARGET = main
  5. C_SRC=? List C source files here like
    C_SRC += main.c
    C_SRC += GPIO_program.c
    C_SRC += LCD_program.c
  6. ASS_SRC=? List Assembler source files here.

Additional variables are documented in Makefile.



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