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This library is used to build a sequence of tasks. Each task is repeatedly called, until specific trigger, then the next task is called. This trigger can be anything: variable value change, input signal, or timer. It is possible to run multiple sequences at the same time, without blocking each other.

This sequence of tasks is similar to PLC programming for industerial sequence, Or similar to state machine with only one path. If it is needed to build a state machine with multiple paths, It is possible to define many sequences, and control which sequence to run by using the if-else condition.

Introductory Example

#include <NonBlockingSequence.h>

NonBlockingSequence Sequence;

void Setup{

void loop() {

bool Task1(){ 
// task 1 code

bool Task2(){ 
// task 2 code

bool Task3(){ 
// task 3 code

When the program calls the function Sequence.DoSequence(), the Sequence will start calling Task1(). And will execute task1 again and again, until the function call returns true. Then Task2() will be called until it returns true. Then Task3() will be called until it returns true. After that, the sequence will end, and each time the function Sequence.DoSequence() is called, nothing will happen, unless the program is written to repeat or reset the Sequence.

The sequence execution order: Task1() --> Task2() --> Task3() --> End

Blinking Leds Example

#include <NonBlockingSequence.h>

// Pin used to wire the leds
#define led1 13
#define led2 12

// two new sequences are defined
NonBlockingSequence Sequence1;
NonBlockingSequence Sequence2;

void setup() {
  // Define steps for Sequence1

  // Difinition for pin usage
  // Define steps for Sequence2


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

bool led1_on(){
  return true;
bool led1_off(){
  return true;
bool led2_on(){
  return true;
bool led2_off(){
  return true;

Each step ( led1_on(), led1_off(), led2_on() and led2_off() ) is only called once. Because each step return true. So that, the sequence goes to the next step. The function AddDelayInMillis(...) adds a new step to the sequence. This step has no action to do, but wait until time is over. Then the sequence goes to the next step. The function AddDelayInMillis(...) does not block the program. So that, each led blinking separately without affecting each other. Led1 is blinking faster than Led2. Because 400 ms is less than 1500 ms. The function Repeat() make the sequence repeat itself infinite number of times.

The sequence execution order:

Sequence1 :led1_on() --> DelayInMillis(400) --> led1_off() --> DelayInMillis(400) --> led1_on() --> DelayInMillis(400) --> led1_off() --> DelayInMillis(400) --> led1_on() --> DelayInMillis(400) --> led1_off() --> ... endless-repeat

Sequence2 :led2_on() --> DelayInMillis(1500) --> led2_off() --> DelayInMillis(1500) --> led2_on() --> DelayInMillis(1500) --> led2_off() --> DelayInMillis(1500) --> led2_on() --> ... endless-repeat

Main Methods

Add New Step

void NonBlockingSequence.AddNewStep(&step);

Add a new step to the sequence. Each step is a boolean function, that run continounsly, until it returns true.

bool step(){
// Do tasks
return true;
return false;

It is also possible to make a sequence of steps. Where each step is considered as a boolean function member of a class. To learn more about this topic review the Example Class_Function inside library files.

Add Delay

void NonBlockingSequence.AddDelayInMillis(unsigned long val)

Add a new delay step to the sequence. This delay waits val milliseconds. This delay does not block other codes outside the sequence. It only delays the execution of the next step in the same sequence. This method uses Arduino Timer0. So, to insure this method functions properly, do not change the timer0 regesters.

Do Sequence Steps

void NonBlockingSequence.DoSequence()

Run the sequence current step. The steps can either be a boolean function or timer. Each time the function DoSequence() is called, a step is called until a trigger action is happened. The trigger action can be:

  • for boolean function: return true.
  • for timer : running time is over.

After the trigger action is occurred. The sequence start to call the next step. The function DoSequence() should be called inside the void loop() method. Because each time DoSequence() is called the current steps is executed. As the method DoSequence() is called many times, the sequence go forward step by step.

Sequence end

bool NonBlockingSequence.isFinish();

Check if the sequence reach its end, and finish executing all sequence steps. If the sequence is repeated infinite number of times without end, using Repeat() function, then isFinish function always return false.


void NonBlockingSequence.Restart();

Force the sequence to start from the beginning.


void NonBlockingSequence.Repeat();

Repeat the sequence for infinite number of times. Usually this method is used after all needed steps are added.

void NonBlockingSequence.Repeat(unsigned int n);

Repeat the previous sequence steps for n times. Usually this method is used after all needed steps are added.

Next Step

bool NonBlockingSequence.NextStep();

Terminate the current step execution. Force the sequence to go to the next step. Next time the function DoSequence() is called, the next step is executed.

  • if the previous action is done successfully : it returns true
  • if the current state is the sequence final state : it returns false

Pass Steps

unsigned int NonBlockingSequence.PassSteps(unsigned int n);

the sequence jump over n future step without calling. This function is similar to calling NextStep() for n time. It also returns number of successful step jumps.

First Time Executing the Step

bool NonBlockingSequence.FirstTimeStepExecuting();

This function check if the current step is running for the first time. This function can be used to apply number of commands in a step for the first call only.

Important Notes

Nested Sequence

You can make many sequences nested with multiple levels.

Conditional Sequence

It can be done using 2 different methods:

  • Defining two different sequences. Use the if-else conditions, to select between them.
  • In a single sequence, it is possible to define many adjacent steps, and conditionally jump over these steps without execution using PassSteps() method.

Class Boolean Function

In the previous example, it is only mentioned to add steps of boolean function that do not belong to any class. But, is it possible to deal with class member functions? To answer this question look for the example Class_Function.